Unsafe Actions
Fire Safety

It is important to keep knives sharp

True - Keeping knives sharp is important for safety and efficiency.


Barb needed to make salsa but forgot to get a knife out of the drawer. She called to her co-worker Joe to bring her a knife and to hurry. Joe stopped cutting the chicken he was working on, grabbed the knife, and ran over to Mary as fast as he could to deliver it to her. 

Describe 1 incorrect actions made when a co-worker runs with a knife.

  •  Joe was running with a knife, which is dangerous.
  • should have walked carefully and handed the knife to without rushing.

What is one way to prevent a fire in the kitchen?

One way to prevent a fire in the kitchen is to keep flammable items away from heat sources.


True or False: Keep a towel close by at the stove to clean up spills quickly. 

False- While it's important to clean spills quickly, keeping a towel close to the stove can pose a risk of it catching fire. 


The prep cook was drinking water out of a glass cup on his prep station. A box of food knocked the glass over causing it to shatter. Joe cleaned up the glass with a towel and kept prepping the food 

Describe the incorrect actions made when cleaning glass with a towel after it shatters AND what the correct action is

1. The prep cook cleaned up glass with a towel, which can spread shards.

2. He should have used a broom and dustpan to collect glass first and washed his hands afterward.


How should you put out a grease fire in a pan?

To put out a grease fire in a pan, you should cover it with a lid or use a fire extinguisher specifically designed for grease fires.


True or False: Steam can cause burns.

True: Steam can cause severe burns if it comes into contact with skin.


Nick was working on soup and accidentally spilled half of it on the ground. He put a caution sign near the spill and served the guests the remainder of the soup. Once he was finished, he wiped up the spill with a towel and then hung it back on the front of the stov

Describe the incorrect actions made by a cook who spilled soup and hung a dirty towel back on the stove AND what the correct action is

  • The cook continued serving the soup despite spilling half on the floor, creating a slip hazard.
  •  hung the dirty towel back on the stove, risking contamination; they should have cleaned the spill properly and disposed of the dirty towel.

Metal in a __ can cause a fire.

Metal in a microwave oven can cause a fire.


True or False: Climbing counters to reach something is fine as long as someone is watching you

False - Climbing counters can lead to falls and injuries, even with someone watching.


As Josie was cooking ground beef on the stovetop, a grease fire started. She quickly grabbed a bucket of water from the sink and dumped it on the fire. Then, she began swatting at the fire with a towel.

Describe the incorrect actions when dealing with a grease fire by dumping water on it AND explain what the correct action is.

Incorrect actions:

1.  dumped water on a grease fire, which can make it worse.

2. Instead, she should have covered the fire with a lid to smother it.


What should you do if you put out a fire on a towel?

If you put out a fire on a towel, you should ensure it's completely extinguished and not hang it back up; instead, throw it away safely.


True or False: Oven mitts and towels on the stovetop can cause burns and fires.

True - Oven mitts and towels left on the stovetop can easily catch fire if they come into contact with a hot surface.


While working a shift, Jude wanted to keep in touch with his girlfriend so he plugged in his cell phone on the counter while he was washing dishes. He wanted to see if she texted. As he washed the knives and plates, he thought about how much he missed her. 

Describe the incorrect actions made by Jude when washing dishes while his phone is plugged in near water AND describe the correct action

  • Jude had his phone plugged into an outlet near water, increasing the risk of electric shock.
  • He should have waited until he was finished washing to check his phone and avoided washing sharp knives and plates simultaneously.

What is the main cause of foodborne illness?

The main cause of foodborne illness is cross-contamination.