Safety Accidents
S or U After washing his hands, Corin dries them thoroughly with the dish towel.
What is unsafe - use separate towels for hands and dishes
S or U Today is Saturday, In the refrigerator which is kept at 36°F, Sean finds three leftover pork chops wrapped in foil. His family had grilled the boneless pork chops on Friday night.
What is safe
On a cool day inside your home, food should be allowed to sit out no more than __?__. (two words)
What is two hours.
This kitchen accident can be prevented by washing knifes separately, not catching falling knives, and picking up broken glass first with a broom and then damp paper towels.
What is cuts.
Poison can enter your body this way, but consuming expired beverages or if someone were to ingest liquid cleaning supplies.
What is drinking
S or U Helen covers her mouth with her hand when she coughs and then rinses her hand.
What is unsafe - Helen needs to WASH her hands
S or U In the freezer, Sean finds a margarine tub containing egg salad from yesterday.
What is unsafe - margarine tubs are not a safe container for freezing foods - mayonnaise and eggs do not freeze safely
After returning from food shopping, put away the __?__ first. (two words)
What is cold, refrigerated, or frozen foods
This kitchen accident can be prevented by keeping hands dry when using appliances, avoiding appliances with frayed cords, and pulling on the plug when unplugging appliances rather than the cord.
What is electric shocks
Poison can enter your body this way, by serving improperly cooked foods or by ingesting unnecessary medicines.
What is eating
S or U Corin thinks the mayonnaise smells funny, so he opens a new jar.
What is safe
S or U Today is Saturday, In the refrigerator, Sean finds a bowl of leftover coleslaw from a picnic last Sunday.
What is unsafe - mayonnaise based products do not keep for long periods of time
The odor, texture, flavor, or color of food may not seem right if the food has __?__.
What is spoiled
This accident can be avoided by cleaning up spills right away, using a step-stool or ladder for reaching things up high, and using rugs with non-skid backs.
What is falls
Poison can enter your body this way, exposure to carbon monoxide fumes, or by mixing household chemicals together
What is breathing
S or U Helen un-wraps the ground beef she set on the counter early that morning.
What is unsafe - raw meat product needs to be keep cool, even while thawing
Before it’s used again, equipment that has touched raw food should be washed with __?__. (three words)
What is hot, soapy water
When working with cleaning products, always remember this rule.
What is do not mix cleaners together.
This accident can be avoided by keeping the stove clear of flammable objects, using low or medium temperatures for cooking greasy food, and having a extinguisher in the kitchen.
What is burns and fires
Poison can enter your body this way, through a cut on your hand, or by not wearing protective gloves and reading labels when using cleaning supplies.
What is skin
S or U Today is Saturday, In the freezer, which is kept at 0°F, Sean finds an unopened package of frozen french fries that was purchased a week ago.
What is safe
When setting the table, don’t touch the __?__ of anyone’s drinking glass.
What is rim, top, or inside
This is the kind of cabinet that you should use if there are small children in your home
What is a locked cabinet.
This accident can be avoided by reading labels carefully, ensure food is fully cooked, and keep hazardous products out of the reach of children
What is poisoning
This is who you should contact if you suspect that a poisoning incident has occurred in your home
What is Poison Control Center or 911