This continent is South of Europe
What is Africa?
You can hop or sit in my pouch, just don't stand behind me
What is a kangaroo?
Watch yourself
What is awareness?
This is how we show self control
What is James 1:19?
No throwing items at the wall
What is Rule #3, no throwing toys?
Palms trees and a rain forest are not things at a beach
What is an island?
We have our own anthem, so do other countries
What is the Advance Australia Fair?
Acting out could led to you losing an ear
What is a lack of self control?
These are what you pick from trees
What are the fruits of the spirit or Galatians chapter 6?
We calm certain colors, then end up playing for 40 minutes
What is the game of Sorry?
What is a chameleon?
Don't be confused this animal does not match the name
What is a Wombat?
Backwards or forwards, just make sure you listen
What is body control?
All the kingdoms of the world can be yours
What is Matthew chapter 4?
A game of UNO that is hotter than most
What is Spicy UNO?
Known for their music, culture, and dance
Who are the Malagasy?
They hunt as wolves, yet sound like dogs
What is a dingo?
We raise our hands to be heard
What is listening?
Do not seek revenge on those who have hurt you
What is Luke 6?
Clean up and your allowance will come
What is a class job?
King Julian is the King of Madagsacar
What is a lemur?
Dory remembered this address to find Nemo
Where is Sydney?
Put that thing back where it came from or so help
What is Self-Control?
We have power, love, and self control
What is 2 Timothy 1:7?
A king and queen with a guard in the middle
What is a Royal Sandwich?