Jesus' Early Ministry
Jesus' Ministry
Jesus' Final Days
Dueling Translations
The KJV and its Roots
Jesus began his ministry after being baptized by this man.
Who is John the Baptist
Jesus had this many disciples.
What is Twelve?
It was this disciple who betrayed Jesus to the high priest.
Who is Judas Iscariot?
Before the King James Version was considered, these were the two primary (and competing) English translations of the Bible.
What are the Geneva Bible and the Bishop's Bible
The King James Version of the Bible has this as its common title, even though King James may have never authorized it.
What is The Authorized Version?
After being baptized, the heavens opened and 'there came a voice from heaven saying' these words.
What is "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
According to Mark, Jesus performed this miracle twice.
What is feeding the multitude with only a few loaves and fishes?
It was unto this man that Jesus was delivered by the chief priests for further judgment.
Who is Pilate?
These are the two competing groups who supported the two primary translations of the Bible before the King James Version was translated.
Who are Puritans and the Catholic Church?
A 16th Century religious scholar, this man translated the Bible into 'living English' such that a 'boy that driveth a plough' could understand. His translation was particularly dangerous because of its anti-Catholic 'glosses' or commentary.
Who is William Tyndale?
As Jesus walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw these four men and called for them to follow him.
Who are Simon, Andrew, James, and his brother John.
Jesus speaks many parables according to Mark, of which these are three.
What are the parable of the sower, the parable of the seed cast into the ground, the parable of the grain of mustard seed, the parable of the wicked vineyardmen?
In Jesus' final days, Peter did these two things three times.
What is fall asleep while praying and deny Jesus?
The Catholic Church was concerned about these additions to the English translation of the Bible.
What are marginal notes - critical of the Catholic Church.
A brilliant 14th century academic, he produced the first translation of the Bible into English.
Who is John Wycliffe?
These were the first four 'miracles' performed by Jesus.
What are casting out the unclean spirit, casting out Simon's wife's mother's fever, healing of a leper, healing of the sick of the palsy.
According to Mark, Jesus performed many miracles, among which are these four.
What are feeding the multitude, walking on the sea, calming the storm, raising Jairus's daughter from the dead, the feeding of the multitude a second time, healing the blind man, the transfiguration, the healing of Blind Bartimaeus...
In the ninth hour, while on the cross, Jesus cries these words, which are a reference to the 22nd Psalm, in a loud voice.
What is 'My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me?'
The 1560 Geneva Bible was the first English translation to divide these into these.
What are chapters into numbered verses?
John Wycliffe's followers were dubbed "these" - or mumblers.
What are Lollards?
When challenged by the Pharisees concerning the actions of his disciples (picking corn on the Sabbath), Jesus responded saying this.
What is a description of what King David did in his time when he had need (eating shewbread from the house of God) What is, "The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath"
Jesus charges this of many that he heals .
What is 'that no man should know it'?
"Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first..." to this person, "out of whom he had..." performed which miracle how many times?
Who is Mary Magdalene, casting out devils seven times.
One of the first things King James did after becoming king of England was to respond to a petition by Puritans for a new translation to unify all churches under one translation of the Bible by calling this conference in this year.
What is the Hampton Court Conference in 1604.
This English translation of the Bible was one of the first to gain royal approval for sale in England - thus paving the way for further translations, including the KJV.
What is the Coverdale Bible? (Named after its translator, Miles Coverdale)