Skills that pay the bills
Can't touch this
Policies, Procedures, and Practices (OH MY!)
A spoonful of sugar helps this medicine go down
When performing peri-care it is essential that these areas are cleansed
What are any areas that urine may have touched-including hips, abdomen, and inner thighs-move outward and use a different part of the wipe each time.
When elder abuse is suspected it should be reported in this time frame
What is immediately. Abuse should always be reported up. Consult with your RN mgr before starting any documentation.
True or False: To serve food you must always wear gloves.
What is false: It is preferred that you actually use tongs. Rationale: When people are wearing gloves they tend to think they are clean and they cross contaminate by touching multiple surfaces.
If you are going to give this medication, there should be 3 non-pharmological interventions first.
What is a prn anxiolytic
You will not fail if you complete this action to extinguish a fire
What is PASS
If the care card on the elder is this color they can never be left alone in the bathroom
What is RED
When you touch this you should wash your hands (name at least 3)
What is: before beginning a task, after using the BR, before and after food handling, touching your face & body, after you sneeze, cough or use a tissue, after chemical use, after handling trash or dirty dishes, before and after elder contact.
This policy states that you must recheck the blood sugar if they are below 70 until they are above 100.
What is the hypoglycemic protocol
When giving a controlled substance medication, this is when it should be signed out
What is: when the medication is popped out of the cassette. You are signing the medication out of its packaging and accounting for it that it is going to be administered. It should be documented in the MAR in a reasonable amount of time. You should never sign them out ahead and never keep them in the computer carts.
This is not vulgar to express your concern using this 3 letter word
What is CUS
If an elder refuses to take their scheduled shower you should....
What is try another approach, offer a bed bath, try again later and try to attempt to find out why they are refusing (is the Lawrence Welk show on?)
When taking items or equipment into a room such as BGM machine, dressing supplies, or when you are doing a task such as a check and change in bed etc... it is important to always set the supplies down on down on this
What is barrier.
When a substitution menu is brought up, this person should temp the food
What is the household staff (or the person serving the food)
When giving this medication it is important to rinse the mouth to prevent thrush
What are steriod inhalers
You better be quick to execute this if you suspect a fire
What is RACE
Before performing any skill or task on an elder you should always do this (3 steps).
What is gather supplies, knock and introduce yourself, provide privacy and explain what you are going to do.
When adminstering eye drops or ointment it is important that the applicator does not touch this
What is eyelashes. Hold applicator 1-2 cm above the eye, use a barrier to pull down the lower lid, apply the medication and for drugs that have a systemic affect apply pressure to the lacrimal duct for 30-60 secs. Always follow the rights of medication administration and hand hygiene.
These are the best 8 steps to follow when giving medications
What is Rights of Medication administration- 1. Right elder 2. Right medication 3. Right dose 4. Right time 5. Right route 6. Right documentation 7. Right reason 8. Right response
A prudent nurse knows that the therapeutic range of coumadin for control of a-fib is
What is between 2-3 *Therapeutic range for artificial valves is 2.5-3.5
To give a doctor a thorough report you are best to follow this
What is SBAR
These are appropriate examples of when to do an assessment (list 5)
What are admissions, readmissions, returns from hospital, daily skilled assessments, change in conditions, when giving prns, c/o pain, medication errors, falls, concerns brought up by another staff or visitor, allegations of abuse, weight gain or loss, surgical or suture sites, wounds and any time things are not the usual.
If you provided no hands on assistance, or only oversight or encouragement you would code this on ADL self-performance (must have both answers)
What is Independent and Supervision
Dirty linens from elders in contact isolation must be handled for washing in this manner.
What is double bagged. Wear gloves and gown when handling dirty linens. They must be washed and dried separately and in the hottest setting. Clothing that can be bleached should be done as so. The washer should be ran throught a rinse cycle with bleach after washing the elder's clothing.
This high alert medication must be witnessed by another licensed staff member before administration
What is insulin
This is the standardized assessment that is used to facilitate care management
What is MDS