Lifespan Development
Sensation and Perception
Sadness, fear, depression, happiness, elation, love, etc are all examples of this
What is emotion
This is a normal IQ
What is 100
Personality theorists like Jung, who modified and modernized Freud's psychodynamic theory, are called this.
What is Neo-Freudians
As cells become a human (from 2-12 weeks gestation) the "baby" is called this
What is an embryo
Looking at this jeopardy board, I determine that the color of the point values is yellow. Yellow is an example of this
What is perception
Today, I tripped and fell, failed a test, and my boyfriend broke up with me. I am soooo unlucky. I have this type of locus of control
What is external
Jenny has an IQ of 139. Jenny is categorized as this.
What is gifted
According to Freud, this part of the unconscious would be likely to place high value on morality and societal norms.
What is the superego
This developmental theorist is known for making the greatest contributions to our understanding of cognitive development.
Who is Piaget
The lowest volume setting I can still hear at least 1/2 of the time on my TV is 5. This represents my _________ ___________.
What is absolute threshold
This is a universally recognized emotion
What is fear, sadness, joy, anger, disgust, contempt or happiness
This review is to prepare you for the AP exam. It asks questions likely to appear on the AP exam. We would say that this review is this
What is valid
Lori has survived the zombie apocalypse, but still obsesses about neatness and order. Freud would argue that Lori is fixated on this psychosexual stage of development.
What is the anal stage.
Little Benjamin thinks there is more juice in the big cup than in the small cup, although there is the same amount in each. Benjamin is lacking this Piagan milestone
What is the principle of conservation
I see a group of kids sitting together at lunch. I assume they are all good friends. This is an example of the Gestalt Law of __________.
What is proximity
Even though he is horribly sad, Bob tries not to cry at his grandmother's funeral. His sister is bawling. This is because men and women have different (these)
What is display rules
Barry can answer every question on jeopardy, but he cannot apply them to the real world. Cattell would say that Barry has a high ______ intelligence, but low _____intelligence
What is crystallized; fluid
After losing the big game, Joe stomps his feet, yells obscenities and punches a hole through the wall. Joe is using this defense mechanism, according to Anna Freud
What is regression
According to Kohlberg, a judge who decides to uphold the law by sentencing a man to prison for life for "mercy killing" his terminally ill wife at her request is in this stage of moral development
What is post-conventional
Loudness is to as pitch is to frequency
What is amplitude
Susie is so sad that her dog died, she feels she cannot be excited about her acceptance into Yale University. This theory of emotion best describes Susie's situation.
What is Opponent-Process Theory
Gardner describes several types of intelligence. This type is most likely to be represented on an IQ test.
What is mathematical/logical OR reading/linguistic
This Big 5 personality trait is exemplified by Jerry, who makes friends in every situation.
What is extraversion

Kubler-Ross says that these 5 emotions are felt by all people confronted with grief.

What is denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance


Kelly knows that the is spelled T-H-E, so as she reads a book where it is spelled T-E-H, she still reads "the." This is due to __________-___________ processing.

What is top down