This mineral is used in wire and pipes
What type of mine is underneath Detroit?
The most common types of mining equipment
Pickaxe and shovel
This gold mine shares its name with a pirate in SpongeBob SquarePants
The Lost Dutchman mine
gold prospecting map
this mineral is used in circuit boards and high voltage connections
In 2005 MI was the second largest producer of which mineral
The most common blasting agent
What type in mine can you tour in Vulcan MI
Between the 1881 to 1897 how much gold was found?
$1 billion
This mineral can be used to power trains or factories
What is the largest piece of copper ever mined by weight?
26.6 tons
13 x 15 feet
This piece of equipment is used to transport stone in and out of the mine
In the movie October Sky, what type of mine is shown
Coal mine
When was gold first found in Michigan?
What was the freighter Edmund Fitzgerald carrying?
Iron Ore
The Michigan mining college
Michigan tech
The largest truck you can find in a mine
Dump truck
In 2010, how many Chilean miners were trapped in a coal mine
How many places in Michigan that have been prospected for gold can be found?
The state gemstone
Isle royal green stone
The first iron mine in the upper peninsula
The Jackson mine
This piece of mining equipment is used to sift out the gold from the paydirt
Sluice box
In Portal, Aperture Science is located where?
A salt mine in the Upper Peninsula