These two Pokemon share a type, and are the most commonly owned Pokemon in Redux
Decidueye and Aegislash
This player left the game shortly after the draft started, leaving the kingdom in the hands of several players
This was the custom ability buff given to Shiftry
This video series debuted at the start of KnC 2, and went on to have several episodes
KnC Podcast
Gyaruru (KnC 2)
This KnC Player broke their streak of playing in every single traditional KnC since KnC 1, by not participating in Redux.
This was the first kingdom to die in KnC Invi
This was Decidueye's Custom Ability, which did not make a return for the sequel.
Tinted Lens
This legendary trio was meant to roam around the region, but they were all caught on day one by this army
Legendary Beasts, Pugilis
Lord of D. - Scrafty
PK_Will (KnC 1)
The kingdom of Violight got this placement
This feature was added halfway into Invi, and has yet to return in a game since
Double Tickets
What legendary Pokemon was located in the kingdom of Terrera?
This was held right at the end of KnC 2, although it garnered backlash from the fanbase.
The KnC Awards
Naruto - Granbull
Iron (KnPCP 1)
This was the first Achievement to be obtained in KnC Redux
#5. It’s dangerous to go alone (use a sword move or obtain a sword Pokémon) (Corbex)
This account joined the KnC Invi server, only to never send a single message (not counting people who joined after the game started).
THIS is the number of legendarys owned by players
5: Zapdos G (Sable), Moltres (Accwyn), Giratina (Da), Deoxys (Kathy), Genesect (PW_Will)
Name all of the Pokemon listed on the KnC 2 Banlist "Permabans" section:
Wynaut, Wobbuffet, Smeargle, Dracozolt, Dracovish, Shedninja, Pyukumuku, Ditto
Iron (KnC Invi)
This Player has the least amount of messages sent to the KnC Redux Server
This player had the least amount of Pokemon
Drew (8)
They Who Govern Reason
This player registered into the game and then never came back, leaving with an explanation.
Egg Roll - Bisharp
PCP (KnC Classic)