Make me Nerve-ous
Connective Tissue
I like to move it move it
Name the quadriceps muscles (5)
What is Rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, vastas medialis, VMO (vastas medialis obliquus)
Nerve that innervates the quadriceps
femoral nerve
what separates the 2 femoral condyles medially
intercondylar notch
menisci deform ____ during knee flexion and ______ during extension
What is posteriorly, anteriorly, this allows the menisci to stay under the femur
arthrokinematics at the knee during flexion (femoral movement on a fixed tibia)
What is When the knee begins to flex on fixed tibia 1)Convex femoral condyles ROLL POSTERIORLY on tibial plateau. 2) As flexion continues, femur anteriorly translates to avoid “falling off” of smaller plateau. 3) This slight anterior glide allows the femur to perform essentially pure rotation First 25o of tibiofemoral joint flexion are performed by the posterior roll of femur. As flexion continues, the glide allows it to stay on the tibia
what muscle can be known as the 8th knee flexor, but it commonly absent?
What is: plantaris
Blood supply to the hamstrings
Deep femoral artery/femoral profunda
Tibiofemoral joint is what kind of joint? With ______ DoF
What is double condyloid with 3 Degrees of Freedom: -Flexion and Extension in Sagittal Plane -Medial/Lateral Rotation in Transverse Plane -Adduction/Abduction in Frontal Plane
ACL checks __________ rolling of the femur during weight bearing knee __________. PCL checks _______ rolling during during knee ________
What is Anterior Cruciate Ligament serves to check the posterior rolling of the femur during weight bearing knee flexion. Posterior Cruciate Ligament serves to check anterior rolling of femur during knee extension
Open chain kinematics on the knee duirng flexion and extension (femur is fixed)
What is Flexion: Tibia rolls and glides posteriorly Extension: Tibia rolls and glides Anteriorly
What deformity occurs if the patellar tendon is physiologically stretched out?, what occurs when the patellar tendon is physiologically shortened?
What is: Patella alta, patella baja
What nerve innervates the gracilis?
What is: obturator nerve
Where is the patella most congruent in the flexion cycle?
What is 90 degrees
Attachments of the iliotibial band
What is: arises from proximal end of glute max and TFL, surrounds the lateral thigh, some fibers come across the lateral retinaculum to attach to the patella and finally inserts onto the lateral aspect of the tibia with some fibers attaching to the fibular
During unilateral stance where does the weight bearing line shift towards?
What is to the medial compartment - there are increases in the compressive forces in the medial compartment
How many muscles cross the knee joint and name them:
What is 13: semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris, sartorius, gracilis, popliteus, gastrocnemius, plantaris, rectus femoris, vastas lateralist, vastas medialis, vastas intermedius, VMO
Describe the track of the sciatic nerve:
What is: arises from L4-S2, through the greater sciatic notch, comes down and branches into tibial and common peroneal at teh popliteal fossa, common peroneal then splits into the deep and superficial peroneal nerves, tibial and peroneal nerves go down to become the plantar nerves.
What does the patella do to make the knee more biomechanically efficient?
What is: lengthens the moment arm of the quads by increasing the distance of the quad tendon and patellar tendon from teh axis of the knee joint
How does the meniscus get nutrition?
Peripheral parts get nutrition from blood vessels but central relies on diffusion of synovial fluid.
Compression on the lateral compartment of the knee is caused by ____ while compression on the medial compartment of the knee is known as ________, and compression on anterior aspect is from ______
What is Genu Valgum, Genu Varum, genu recurvatum
What muscle "unlocks" the knee joint to move into flexion by medially rotating the tibia
What is Popliteus (flexion and medial rotation are coupled, while extension and lateral rotation are coupled)
Ruffini corpuscles detect ______ while pacinian detect ______
What is Deep tension (ruffini- like a scrunchi, you pull it apart) and pressure (pacinian, think pannini and how they are squished)
What is the normal angulation between the anatomical axis of the femur and the anatomical axis of the tibia? What happens if the angle is increased? What happens if it is decreased?
What is Normal: 170-175 (neuman) 180-185 (pammy) Increased angle: Genu Varum (>185) Decreased Angle: Excessive Genu Valgum (<170)
_____ , ________, and ________ ligament are intracapsular while ________ is extracapsular
What is ACL, PCL, MCL; LCL
Explain the screw-home mechanism of the knee
Involuntary Termed Automatic of terminal rotation Occurs because: As knee progresses towards extension: Medial Articular surface is longer than lateral Lateral completes its rolling gliding motion first Medial surface keeps rolling resulting in lateral rotation (flexion and medial rotation are coupled, while extension and lateral rotation are coupled)