Picking up the knife and walking with a knife
Parts of a Knife
Cutting with a knife
Washing a knife

How do you pick up a knife?

Pick up by the handle

the part of a knife that is a single piece of stainless steel or carbon steel
What is the Blade?

What kind of surface should you use when cutting?

A flat stable surface


What can you use to wash a knife?

A scrub brush or sponge


Why is it important to never touch the blade when picking up a knife even if its dull?

It can cut you even when the blade is dull

the part of the knife that you need to feel comfortable in your hand
What is the Handle?

Why do you need to cut food items away from your body?

you can cut yourself accidently 


Where should the knife be pointing in the dishwasher?

pointing down


Where should the sharp side of the knife be pointed?

it should be pointed down


What kind of knife did we use today?

safety knife


What do you do with your fingers when cutting with a knife.

Tuck them when holding the knife not touching the blade only the handle


Why can you not drop a knife in soapy water when doing the dishes?

Because it can cut you if you reach into the water to grab it