Pumpkin belongs to which family?
Gourds and Squash
The type of water that is essential for cooking pasta.
What is boiling?
Bread dough is made from what four ingredients?
Flour, water, salt, yeast
A thickener made of equal parts flour and butter
This Mother Sauce is the start of Mac and Cheese
These vegetables grow underground but are not attached to a plant leaf or stem
Rotini and shells are examples of this type of pasta.
What is shaped?
This type of flour is fine and powdery, Italian and used to make pasta dough.
'00' Flour
What is an emulsion?
The combining of two unmixable substances.
This Mother Sauce is vegetable based and does not use a roux to thicken it.
What is a legume?
plants that have a double-seamed pod containing a single row of seeds.
Types of flour used for making fresh pasta
What are Type 00 and Durum Semolina?
A dark liquid sweetener, high in iron, comes from the process of refining cane sugar.
What two ingredients make up a slurry?
Water and vegetable starch
The name of this Mother Sauce means "velvety"
Vegetables should be cooked to what degree of doneness?
Al Dente
The meaning of "al dente".
What is "to the tooth"?
sweet flavor, retains moisture, aids in crust browning, aids in creaming, provides food for fermentation.
A wheat based thickener does not reach its full potential until what?
It boils
This Mother Sauce is egg based and can. not be reheated.
This gas (emitted from certain fruits) makes vegetables and other fruits ripen quickly.
Ethylene Gas
Lasagna and fettuccini are examples of this type of pasta.
What is ribbon?
What are the three kinds of leavening agents?
Physical, Chemical, and Biological.
What happens if you boil a liaison?
The egg in it curdles.
Name the 5 Mother Sauces
Veloute, Espagnole, Hollandaise, Tomato and Bechamel