Who Created the Pongo Production?
What is this Walker's Emote Called?
A Stick Figure with a Big Mouth / Head that eats Tree Daily.
Tree-Muncher Nish
Company Vision
Survival and wave based shooter made by Archeximus.
Decaying Winter
What you'll contract this in the Knish Mines?
Knishevirus / Knish Virus
Its when thestare have a droplet on its head?
A Rock with hair thats Slack around by Standing Still.
We do not talk about what happened on 6/5/23
In this action packed co-op RPG, battle against powerful corrupted monsters and duel terrifying bosses that will challenge your skills. Made by TeamSwordphin
PWNED: Aeternae Memori
How did Caster turns into a Castershark?
Caster want Thr's Nombra and Striked by Thr, Turning him into a Cooked Fish.
This is where you put a emote when Edi is not here.
The Honor One, As Well Give THE ULTIMATE POWER!!!
Serum w/execute moments/instant death
Knish Cutlery Store
dumb spearcaster spearcaster is very smart and dumb
spearcaster is a sheep yay
How did Akai Died?
Bitten by Tree-Muncher Nish.
What is this Pongo with a Perfect Jawline.
Angeriest Character, a Raging Bee.
Akai killing himself with cursed nail the series!
Knish Nail Salon
dumb walker walker is very smart and dumb
walker is a cat yay
Whats the First Character to get Attacked by Pongo?
Shotty / Shotgunner Girl
What is this Cat with Long Whiskers?
First ever Akai's Drawing Ever.
dice memes are s till funky
dumb allusion allusion is very smart and duumb (closed forever)
allusions is a gluten