
What is the most likely reason the author wrote this article?

To explain how he became a writer


What does the word resident mean in this sentence?

After moving to the city five years ago, Sarah became a permanent resident, settling into her new home and participating actively in the community.

Someone who lives in a certain place


Which of these is an imperative sentence?

A. I'm so glad you hit the ball!

B. Hit the ball.

B. Hit the ball. 


In the poem "Goal to Go", the coach urges the team to crash the Hall of Fame. What is the coach telling the team to do?

Play well enough to get into the Hall of Fame


What does the word contested mean in the sentence below?

"The final decision on the championship was contested by both teams, with each side arguing that they had played by the rules."

Disputed or argued


Which is an interrogative sentence?

A. I see that you did your chores.

B. Did you do your chores?

B. Did you do your chores?


Which detail does the author use to show his determination to succeed as a writer?

He kept writing novels, even though no one would publish them. 


What does the word culprit mean in the sentence below?

"The police quickly identified the culprit responsible for the series of local burglaries after finding fingerprints at the crime scene."

offender or a person responsible for wrongdoing. 


Which of these is an exclamatory sentence?

A. Jose is really fast!

B. Sit down and rest, Jose. 

A. Jose is really fast!


Why does the author of "Knots in My Yo-yo String" say that he rummages through the attic of his memories when he writes?

To explain that he uses his own experiences to write his stories.


What does the word mentor mean in this sentence?

My mentor, Mrs. Benefield, helps me accomplish my goals. 

An advisor or someone who provides guidance


Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

A. Ouch? the book fell on my toe!

B. Ouch! The book fell on my toe!

B. Ouch! The book fell on my toe!


How can you tell that the chicken bone tale is written from the point of view of the child?

The speaker is dragged out of bed by his stepfather and is on summer vacation. 


What does the word politician mean in this sentence?

The politician campaigned to get new votes.

Someone who works in politics


Which is punctuated correctly?

A. Well it's time to go to bed.

B. Well, it's time to go to bed.

B. Well, it's time to go to bed.