How do you tie a Square Knot?
How do you tie a Clove Hitch?
This knot is the easiest and is used in the Square Knot.
What is the Overhand knot?
The first knot learned in scouting.
What is the Square Knot?
How do you tie a Slip Knot (1 of 3 variants)?
How do you tie a Bowline?
How do you tie a Shear Lashing?
This knot can't tighten around an object.
What is the Bowline?
The most famous Scout Knot.
What is the Square Knot?
How do you tie a Thief Knot?
How do you tie a Taut Line Hitch?
How do you tie a Timber Hitch?
This knot tightens but also doesn't.
What is the Taut Line Hitch/Two Half Hitches?
The two knots required for First Class only.
What are the Clove Hitch and Timber Hitch?
How do you tie a Bowline one-handed (demonstrate)?
How do you tie a Sheet Bend?
How do you tie a Square Lashing?
This knot is a lasso that slips easily.
What is a Honda knot?
The amount of knots and what knots are needed for Second Class only.
2; what are the Bowline and the Sheet Bend?
How do you tie an Alpine Butterfly Knot?
How do you tie a Sheepshank?
How do you tie a Diagonal Lashing?
This knot isolates a damaged piece of rope.
What is the Alpine Butterfly Knot?
Describe the Eagle Scout knot.
How do you tie a Honda Knot?