
What does it mean to stutter?

Answers will vary. 

It means sometimes my words get stuck, sometimes I repeat words, sometimes I say a word like this..., It is just the way some people speak and it's ok


Does a stutter make a person less smart?

No Way! Stuttering has nothing to do with how smart a person is.  Kids who stutter are just as smart as kids who don't stutter. 


Is stuttering contagious?

No! You can't catch a stutter from someone.


What does a repetition sound like?

Give examples of a word or phrase repetition


What kinds of things can you do as a person who stutters?

ANYTHING! kids can name different careers and tasks


Are you the only person who stutters?

No! More than 80 million people worldwide stutter, which is about 1% of the population.


A friend asks why you say a word many times. What do you say?

Answers vary. 

It's called a stutter. Many people stutter.  We just sometimes repeat our words.

Sometimes I repeat my words. It's no big deal.


Your friend tells you you shouldn’t try out for the spelling bee because you have a stutter. What do you say?

Answers vary. 

Actually, my stutter doesn't stop me from doing anything.  It might just take me an extra second, but I am a great speller so I know I will do great.


Your friends are talking at lunch and they start talking about your favorite video game. You want to talk about it too, but you know you will stutter.  Should you still join them in the conversation?

Yes, of course! What you have to say matters no matter whether you stutter or not.  We should never let our stutter stop us from saying what we want to say.  


You don't like to answer questions aloud at school. What can you do about this?

Ask the teacher if you can choose when you want to answer. Maybe to only call on you if you have your hand up? Ask the teacher if you can answer first or last depending on what you would like more. Talk to your teacher about this and see what kind of plan you can come up with together.


Name 3 Pokemon characters!

Pikachu, Charmander, Jigglypuff, Snorlax, Mewtwo, Squirtle, etc. 


What should we do if a friend if having a hard day talking?

Wait for them, tell them it's ok, listen, don't rush them, be nice, etc.


What is the name of the youngest person in your group?

Name of youngest in the group

What is the name of Bluey's sister?



Name 3 video games or video game characters!

Minecraft, Mario Kart, Roblox, Sonic, Mario , etc.