Med Admin
Person Centered Services

This is an event or occurrence that is not consistent with routine operations, policies, Idv's care or plan.

What is an Unusual Incident.


Your passing meds and notice there is very little ointment left, what should you do?

Check the "extra supply area" if not thee, contact Pharmacy for refill or notify manager.


Donna refused dinner. What is your responsibility?

What is, offer again later or another choice and document attempts. She has the right to refuse, and the right to choose what she wants to eat.


This is Self-Determination

What is- making things happen in ones own life, instead of having others do it for you?

People who are self determined know what they want and how to get it. They choose and set goals. DSP's would assist them reach these goals if needed.


You drop the receipt on the way back from the store. What is the best thing to do?

What is: return to the store and ask for a duplicate or complete a generic receipt.


How much time do we have to notify the county of a MUI?

what is 4 hours.


Who's responsibility is it to make sure your Med Admin certificate stays updated?

You are.


Staff tell a resident it's bedtime and to turn off his TV. This is a rights violation. What is the proper way to handle the situation?

What is: Give the a choice/option when THEY want to go to bed. Let them know how they might feel tomorrow if they stay up late, but ultimately it is their choice and right.

"the right to make decisions that impact their lives"


Who is the primary person who determines what goals/outcomes goes in the ISP?

The Resident/Person being supported.


What is the purpose of the cash out slips?

What is:  To verify what money is out, and who is responsible for it.


Name 5 Types of MUI's

What are:

Failure to Report


Significane Injury

Unscheduled Hospitalization




Medical Er

Peer to Peer

Rights code Violation

Unapproved Beh. Support 


The Doctor ordered a new medication, but my manager is not in to take care of this.  I should?

What is; contact the COC ASAP, and follow their directions. 

*copy Rx. Send to Pharmacy. Put on paper mar, per instructions on label. Leave written note for all staff of changes.


Restricting the movement of a resident in any way, is a rights violation.  What is this called?

What is: Unapproved Behavior Support

"right to be free from physical or chemical restraints'.


Where can you find information on what is Important to and important for the residents?

Where is THE ISP


P.A.S.S. means?






The first and foremost responsibility of staff when an incident occurs is to? 

What is: ensure the health and safety of the individual


You dropped a pill on the floor during med pass.. what now?

Pick it up, bag it for disposal- take another pill from later in the month- leave a note for manager to order a replacement pill. Document on MAR.


Name a right the  DD bill of Rights that we have that the residents don't have?

What is..... none.


What is the difference between Important TO and Important FOR?

Important To:

 is what the person desires and wants- such as wants to attend a concert or go on a vacation.

Important FOR- is what  they should do to ensue health and safety/responsibility such as follow doctor orders, or pay bills.


You get a speeding ticket, during non work hours. What is your responsibility?

Per Policy,  all violations need to be reported.


When do  you notify the Chain of Command that an incident occurred?

What is: Immediately. (after providing care to the individual)


While checking the medication, you notice the pills are different color and size then the previous day.  What is your action?

What is: Contact pharmacy for pill identification, if they are open.  OR use the internet to identify the pill using the MG and markings/numbers on it.

Contact  COC if necessary.


speaking about residents in front of residents or strangers is a rights violation.... which one.

What is: Right to Confidentiality/Privacy


Who is responsible for making sure the ISP is followed and helping the person meet their outcomes? 

The persons team, including the DSP, support staff and SSA.


What does ISP stand for?

What is Individual Service Plan