Clients can possibly reach up to this amount of time on funding.
What is 4 months?
This funding is aimed at people who have previously been.
What is incarnated/booked?
ESG and CoC funding includes a utility...
What is allowance?
Clients must seek out units in this county when using funding from CCFRC.
What is Salt Lake County?
Housing assessors can no longer accept vital documents if they come like this.
What are photos?
The HoH must be able to legally obtain this in the US to use TANF-RRH.
What is employment?
Clients may receive this amount of time of case management while on Re-entry.
What is 1 year?
Both ESG and CoC may require that the client pays this portion of their income.
What is 30%?
Case Managers will take on this role if a client comes in with a section 8 voucher.
What is housing navigator?
Clients who have used a lifetime of TANF RRH are still eligible for.
What is ESG/CoC?
Clients who are employed are still expected to interact with this government agency when they move into housing.
What is DWS?
Clients are expected to engage with DWS for this amount of time while on Re-Entry.
What is no engagement with DWS is needed?
ESG and CoC stands for.
*Double Points*
What is Emergency Solutions Grants and Continuum of Care?
Those with SSI/SSDI will not be eligible for these two types of funding.
What is TANF-RRH and TANF-Re-Entry?
If clients used TANF-RRH in the past, they must wait this amount of time before using it again.
What is 12 months?
The amount of time a client needs to have worked in the past two years in order to use RRH.
What is 6 months?
Clients are eligible for a backpay or deposit on this.
What is utilities?
Unlike Re-Entry and TANF-RRH, ESG/CoC does not require this.
What is clients need to be able to legally obtain employment.
If a client plans on using funding from CCFRC, all members of the household moving into the unit must be.
What is literally homeless?
Clients can use up to this amount of months in a lifetime of TANF funding.
*Double Points*
What is 12 months?
If a client has naturalization paperwork, the paperwork must have this.
What is the date of their residency?
The minimum amount of time someone needs to have been booked/incarcerated in order to qualify for Re-Entry.
What is 1 second?
All members in the household must be able to provide this in order to utilize ESG.
What is valid identifcation?
All housing funding through CCFRC guarantees these four things.
*Double Points*
What is security deposit, pro-rated rent, second months rent, and case management?
If clients bring in naturalization paperwork or an 1-94, the paperwork must show that they've been in the US for this amount of time.
What is 5 years?