What three letters did we use to refer to Chad's farts?
S.B.D. (Silent But Deadly)
What was Arla's Fish's Name?
What was the gallon capacity of our hot water tank in the pantry?
40 Gallons
Name 3 of the silly nicknames in the wheelhouse of Mom and Dad's titles for each sibling.
Tuny Fried Steak (Arla)
Tombo Wombo (Tom)
Meemer (Mike)
Earwax (Eric)
Tomato (Tom)
At its peak, how many species of reptiles did the OKC annex zoo contain? (Aka Mike’s room)
Name two incidents we had involving the police before the "troubled years." (age 15 or below)
Acceptable Answers: Eric, Tom and Justin ding dong ditching the Western motel
Eric running into a car at 7/11.
Prank calling Justin Hanney
What were the words Evelyn Longen would use to alert someone to danger? Usually one of us kids?
What was the name of the Chinese restaurant Dad and Uncle John would have to stop for in the Houston Airport on Florida trips?
Manchu Wok
What is Dad's favorite meal that Rachel secretly hates?
Corned Beef and Cabbage
Who was Arla's immaginary friend?
What was the title that Zach commonly received from Eric as a put down?
Redneck (Zach… say “my truck” Eric waiting for Zach to reveal his accent so he could further reinforce this title.
Name the band and music video that inspired Eric to take Tom up on a dare and go streaking in the front yard one night after getting out of the shower.
Blink 182- What's My Age Again
Name the setting and context for the first time Tom learned how to pee outside. What happened and how did this rite of passage go wrong? A; Cow Pasture River
"Man! Tom just Pee'd on me!"
"Dad: "Oh... Jeez."
What was the originating artifact that introduced us to the magic of the radio airwaves?
Mamo’s Walkmen she got us for Christmas in second grade.
What was Dad's famous Sunday night treat?
Chocolate Milkshakes
Who married Mom and Dad
What was the coach’s long anticipated promised prize to Danny, David and the Knudsen triplets at the end of the week of swimming lessons which further contributed to our hatred of this summer mandate?
Drying off with the coaches Rocky towel
What did Eric use as black mail over Tom for the entire year of the 4th grade?
F graded assignments Tom had stashed away in his drawer.
What location of the house was referenced by Dad as “The Hospital? By whom and why?
Eric's Room
(Dad throwing Eric into his room saying "Here! ere's the hospital!")
Name the reality TV show that Arla and Mattie watched religiously and to this day.
The Bachelor
Instead of eating them, where did Arla hide her flintstones vitamins (that dad ultimately found)?
Under the Kitchen Bench
Who was Aunt Krista's friend at the Seamark famous for the epic wall of movies of which we snuck an occasional viewing of an r rated flick while the adults were visiting.
Which neighborhood family earned the nickname “the Weenie’s” for their homeschool goody two shoes reputation.
The Jenkinson's
Who was the sleazy old man at the gas station deli counter we visited at least once a week for lunch? Clue: early Bethany High School era)
Mr. Barnes
Name the tune Arla could lymsinc with mad skills and emotion in the car on family vacations that would grind the boys to a pulp.
Celine Dion/My Heart Will Go On
What was dad's first job in Vietnam? And what was his second job?
Dad was initially a mortarman in an infantry line company, the volunteered for long range reconnaissance patrol.
Name the river we swam in upon which the Cabin in Virginia we stayed at was built off of.
Cow Pasture River
Who was the clown that would make famous appearances at Nino’s Restaurant on Saturday Nights?
Name the state park we visited with the Sharps where Mike and Eric’s luggage was the entirety of their toy chest.
Name the state park we visited where Mike and Eric’s luggage was the entirety of their toy chest.
Name one incident that involved bodily functions or fluids that occurred at any of the camps we went to.
Acceptable Answers:
Tom farting in chapel service at camp
Jesse breaking his nose on Royal Rangers camp Out
Poop in the shower houses at Camp-O-Rama.
What was the nickname Eric gave to Arla in reference to her head?
Mushroom Head
What was the hot item in kindergarten that Mamo and Papo shipped the triplets in kindergarten as a birthday present?
Light Up Shoes
Name a food and the incident around this particular food that scarred Tom and left him with a bitter aversion to this food for the rest of his life
Acceptable Answers:
Carl’s Jr. Star Burgers
Name the distant cousin who while attempting to jump rope with a wet towel tripped and epically face planted in the concrete.
Kelly Kemp
After recruiting a number of neighborhood kids and friends to work at Yamato, which friend ended up taking Eric’s declined offer of a job because he’d rather play Halo all summer?
Jonathan Willbanks
Which one of the Knudsen triplets was the most erratic, rebellious and stubborn yet somehow was the only one who hasn’t been to jail?
On long road trips when Mom would tell Dace Hamilton stories, after running low on creativity and narrative traction, the story would take a turn and inevitably devolve into a silly joke about what condiment food item?
"BBQ Sauce"
What job was Dad working when he met Mom?
Merchant Marines
Name 3 nicknames, phrases or gestures that Eric aimed at Mike that would provoke him to retaliation and always end in some form of beating both Eric and usually Tom who was cheerleading into unwavering submission and compliance
Acceptable Answers: "Greasy dung,
"Hey! I'm not afraid of you!"
Eric poking the bear by standing stoically right in Mike's personal space until he turned around and noticed then exploded
Name the forbidden breakfast that Uncle John's house in Watonga became famous for among the Knudsen triplets.
Lucky Charms
What was Nana's mandatory requirement upon Zach Bounds each morning?
While driving across the country and subjecting dad to hours upon days of Backstreet Boys, NSync and Britney Spears, upon finally arriving in Maryland, which distant cousin was it who then interrupted our musical innocence by introducing us to the forbidden fruit ofSlipknot, Limp Bizkit and Korn?
Matt Kemp
When the boys had their first ever taste of pizza as toddlers, what did they call it?
Hot Cookie
What was Arla's major in college?
Acceptable Answers:
Fashion Merchandising
How did Tom mischievously scare Mom? How did Mom scare Tom in retribution? Describe either of these settings
Acceptable Answers:
Tom in the shower
Mom at the Piano
Name the creature who when roaming in our yard would evoke the Knudsen boys to a savage hunt causing them to yell obscenities at this creature and various threats to torture and kill it if it ever came in our yard again.
The Orange Cat
What was the year, the coach, or the name of the baseball team that Eric and Tom played on who were the “bad news bears” of BFC Little League Ball.
A: 3rd Grade, Jeff Siems or the Cardinals)
One afternoon, in the high school era of the triplets “troubled years”, while looking for thrills and kicks, the boys and their friends discovered the impish practice of dine and dashing. Which restaurant one day did we infamously gorge and go and how did our plan backfire?
Red Lobster
Zack ran his mouth at El Chico where he and Eric worked. A manager overheard Zack's boast who knew the manager at Red Lobster.
What is Uncle Bill and Dad's signature line after hearing loud noises?
"Isn't that Awful?"
What Movie became bribery for good behavior in the car while driving across the country to Maryland?
Acceptable Answers:
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
What was the song that became the late to school anthem that was cheerfully sung each time by Eric and Tom to poke the bear (aka Mike).
Fish and Tarter Sauce
Name 3 nicknames that Chad had.
Rinnie, Wickster, Buddah
Name the only pizza place that every kid in the Knudsen family and in the neighborhood eventually detested.
Name the only pizza place that every kid in the Knudsen family and in the neighborhood eventually detested.
Name two common comebacks in Eric and Zach's duals of non-stop dissing and put downs to each other while playing Halo.
Acceptable Answers:
"Oh Let me guess Zach, let me guess... In Dover!"
"Your not the sharpest tool in the shed."
"You aren't bright."
You are a redneck! You shop at Teener Weeners!"
"You Drive a Truck!"
"You Know what, as least I have a car."
"Bet you 20 bucks!"
“Eric. You woman!” (Followed by a reprimand from mom about using the idea of being a woman as a put down)
Followed by Zach’s … “Oh sorry Ms. Knudsen.”
Finally, the argument would inevitably devolve to the size and function of their anatomical organs
What were the blood curtailing words uttered by Mike when Dad attempted to dress his wound with rubbing alcohol?
"Noooo Mooooore!!"
Name the place and setting where the Knudsen triplets were unexpectedly surpassed in their sadistic cruelty to animals?
The Smola's Watonga House (Bonus Points for naming the small helpless animal under our monstrous scheme)
What were we doing on the night of the May 3rd tornado and what were our plans that got detailed resulting in Tom going into a raging temper tantrum the whole ride home?
Driving back from Horseback riding lessons; we were promised to no avail Mcdonalds on the way home
What historic celebration led to Rachel’s introduction to our family?
The Oklahoma Centennial Parade
Which neighborhood kid came from the family who were pretentiously known as "The Osborne's of 39th Street?"
Toby Helm
On Zach and Ryan's famous beer run of no return, what were the words reported by the store clerk and witnesses and detailed in the police report that were heard sounding from Zach’s 1978 Chevy truck while peeling out on the getaway?
What type of bug was on Uncle John’s car Window that Mike noticed and asked for and what was the phrase uttered by Uncle John upon realizing he had failed to obtain the prize for his nephew?
A: “grasshopper… Oooh... Damn it.”
Who was both Arla and Tom’s first concert on different occasions?
Name the restaurant our family faithfully frequented and always turned heads upon our entrance because we were the only non geriatric age customers.
Who was the fictional character from a show we watched that Arla opened her window and called to in the middle of the night?
Name one of the many cruel and sadistic experiments the Knudsen boys performed on insects on bored summer afternoons.
Acceptable Answers:
Injecting slugs with salt water or hydrogen peroxide and watching them die a slow and torturous death.
Strapping crickets and Junebug's to black cats and M80's on the 4th of July
Capturing and refrigerating wasps and watching them go into hibernation, then waking them up again and dismembering them
Capturing bee's and wasps and putting them in the microwave
Many afternoons in the neighborhood were spent at the Jenkinsons house jumping on the trampoline. What was the activity that eventually became forbidden that the neighborhood kids got level 10 amusement from which involved dangling our legs off the trampoline?
Dangling our legs off the trampoline so the dogs (Pilot and Britt) would come and hump them.
What phrase became the dinner table montra after the 2004 summer cruise?
Acceptable Answers
"Fresh Pepper?""Enjoy Your Dinner"
What alcoholic beverage did Arla (17 years old) drink at Rachel's bachelorette party?
Strawberry Daiquiris
Where and what is the glorious kingdom?
Which Knudsen triplet was lost in the airport and had the police, airport security and administration on his pursuit?
Who was it among us who unexpetedly and astoundingly stood up to bullies at Eldon Lyon Park by chunking a snowball at their face with a stunning direct hit?
Eric or Zach
Which was this character and which one of our friends does he represent?
Acceptable Answers:
Micah Calloway
Jordan Lee
What was the providential prophetic utterance that Dad spoke at 6 years old that has had generational effects on our family to the present day? Where was this oracle spoken?
At Camp Ceder Pine, Dad prophesied that he would marry a dancer
What year did the Knudsen family get their first computer?
what were 3 nicknames Nestle had?
Satan thing
Which Knudsen sibling was making a dart for outside and was unexpectedly met by a surprise invisible wall of a spotless clean glass door.
What was the name of the night time covert vigilante squad the boys, Danny and David formed that involved dressing in Ninja attire, climbing trees, and crashing Arla and Mattie’s concerts?
The Night Lurkers
What was the name of the power rangers inspired team name the boys along with Justin Thee called themselves whose mission it was to kill bees and wasps in the most creative and horrific ways on hot summer days.
The Stinger Busters
Name 3 literary classics that mom read to us as kids.
Acceptable Answers:
Chronicles of Narnia
Tom Sawyer
Robinson Crusoe
Pilgrims Progress
What was the name of Arla’s Pre-school?
My Lambs
During childhood, Mom and Tom enjoyed a mischievous run of scarring each other when least expected. One evening Mom was on a mission to scare Tom, thinking he was in the bathroom, she flung open the door with a Whaa! Only to her horror find another family member on the toilet. Who was this innocent victim caught in the crossfire of Mom and Tom’s sick amusement?
Uncle Bill
Which Bethany coach carried mom up the Arbuckle mountains at Camp Classen?
A: Coach Ferris
What was the video game that alerted the Ms. “Tipra Gore” of 39th street (aka mom) that it was time to start regulating content of not just movies and TV but also video games; leading to this game becoming the first “banned” game on 39th street?
During the “troubled years” of our youth, Mom took the triplet boys to a drinking and driving victim’s impact panel. We were the only people there who were not court ordered. After the presenter shared, what was the first question that came from the audience during Q and A?
Can we get our cell phones back?”
After Eric shoved Tom through the window on Christmas Eve, what were the words mom ran through the house screaming at the top of her lungs?
“This is the worst day of my life!”
What r rated movie was dad smuggled into as a minor at the drive in theater?
Name the restaurant no longer open in Oklahoma City that became the origins of the Adolf myth.
The Black Eyed Pea
Which family friend tipped us off that he had a dog he was trying to find a home for. This dog ended up being Chad.
Steve Smola
Name two "dirty words" or phrases the Knudsen boys and their friends loved to use before learning proper swearing etiquette.
Acceptable Answers: "Middle Finger!"
"Middle Finger Butthole!"
“Freakin Butthole!”
"Mother Freaker!"
Who famously re-enacted this iconic movie scene in Bethany, Oklahoma? Where was the location of this re-enactment and how did it unfold?
Zach Bounds ramming his truck into the 7/11 on 23rd and Council.