Je suis genial!
I am awesome!
When you say "Bonne Fete" to someone, what does it mean.
It means happy saint's day to them, because they have a name of the saint that is being celebrated that day.
What animal is Beauregard.
An Alligator.
Where is France
It is in Europe.
What is Madame's Nationality, say in French.
J'aime dormir a la maison.
I like sleeping at my house.
What is Epiphany?
When is "Gallette des Rois" eaten.
The day of The Three Kings.
January 6th.
What does the parade workers throw, in french.
Des perles, des peluches, Des doublons.
What is the capital of France.
What city where Madame grew up in.
Français est gros et grande.
Francais is fat and big.
____ is often highly valued in France
Translate into English: “Laissez les bons temps rouler!”
Let the good times roll!
Let's have fun!
What world cup did France win?
France won the 2018 World Cup.
What is Madame's birth month, say in French.
Elle a les cheveux châtains et frise.
Her hair is brown and frizzy.
What is "La Bise"?
Who participates in it?
And how much?
La Bise is often known as "the kiss"
Everyone no matter the gender.
Often 2 to 4 kisses
Why did the animals of the bayou leave New Orleans.
They were afraid of the chefs in New Orleans.
What is the national bird of France?
Le "Gallu" which in English means "Rooster."
How many kids does Madame has, say in French.
Du. (two)
what is "Un ver vert allait vers un verre en verre vert en faisant des vers" in english
A Green worm was going towards a green glass made out of glass while rhyming.
What is "Bastile Day"?
It is their holiday celebrated during the 14th of July
Name at least 3 of the main animals names and their species, in french.
Beauregard - Alligator
Evangeline - Ecrevisse.
Geraldine - Grenouille
Rex - Serpent
Leon - Moustique
France has the largest ____.
The largest Art Museum.
What state did Madame live in before Yuma, Arizona