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Available starting now, throughout your degree program and as an alum.

What are OCPD services?


Korbel masters students can find resources to help with preparing application materials at this Web site.

What is


Internship program management including approvals for internships and internship grades are done by this person.

Who is Jamie Polliard?


[Peer Advisor's name] is the OCPD peer advisor and is eager to help new students with this. 

What is a resume.


The OCPD recently launched this Podcast of interviews with Korbel alumni about their careers and jobs.

What is the Korbel CareerCast?


The OCPD responds with suggestions and often an invitation for advising when this is uploaded into PCO. 

What is a resume?

Upload a resume in PCO and get an email response within three days.  The resume can only be approved if it's uploaded in this format.

What is a PDF.


For your own safety and security, and extra approval is needed for these kinds of internships. 

What are internships abroad?


When you can't keep your scheduled advising appointment, please do this more than 24 hours in advance, so that the appointment time can be used by another student.

What is cancel on PCO.


When you've RSVPed on PCO for an event and can no longer attend, you should do this.

What is unRSVP on PCO or contact the OCPD to cancel?


Because Korbel is committed to students building their network and gaining the skills needed for the workforce, there is this degree requirement administered by the OCPD.

What is an internship?


There's a database of past internships, a database of evaluations of those internships, and a database of first jobs after graduation on the site.  The recommended key word to find everything posted by the OCPD is what.

What is Korbel?

Before you start counting your 150+ hours toward your internship, you must do this.

What is fill out the the Experiential Learning Form on PCO and get approval to start?


Please send materials you want to review in an advising appointment at least one business day in advance so that the advisor can do what?

What is prepare for your appointment by reviewing your materials in advance.


It is recommended that all incoming students sign up for this 5-week program this fall to prepare for the internship search and ultimately for the job search.

What is Career Base Camp?


In addition to seeking help with internship, fellowship and job application materials, students can seek assistance with assessing these three things.

What is assessing interests, values and strengths?


Same day appointment can't be scheduled in PCO, but the OCPD is often available for quick questions anyway.  Find these blocks of drop-in time in the appointment calendar on PCO and our staff will spend at least this amount of time with you (and longer if nobody else shows up). 

What is 15 minutes?


All the internship policies and procedures are in writing and accessible on line on this site. 

What is the Student Affairs Portfolio site?

These three people on the OCPD staff are available to advise on application materials, job and internship search, and anything else career related.

Who are Heather Rutherford, Mira Morton Luna and Rae Ann Bories-Easley.


This program is an opportunity to explore career options in DC.

What is Career Connections?


While the OCPD provides resources and advising to help students secure internships and post-graduate jobs, the staff won't do this.

What is placement? or What is "give you an internship/job"?


In addition to creating your profile and uploading your resume, we showcased these four other activities on PCO today.

What are event registration, job/internship search, appointment scheduling and experiential learning?


The OCPD is awarding funding for unpaid internships this year in these amounts* for local/remote, non-local domestic and abroad.  *Guaranteed for fall, reevaluated for winter/spring.

What is $600, $2500, $3500.


Conducing info. interviews, attending programs with alumni, and participating in the DC Career Connections program are all forms of this important career development activity. 

What is networking?


Fellowships fund things like travel, research, foreign language study and career-relevant skill-building.  These three fellowships will have information sessions in the fall.  

What is Boren, CLS and NGFP?