What was Hermione's cats name
What is the name of the Luck potion in Harry Potter
Felix Felicis
What is the stun spell
What is the most important ball in Quidditch
Golden Snitch
Who did Cho date until he died
Cedric Diggory
Who was the Half-Blood Prince
Professer Snape
Who slipped Harry the love potioned chocolates in the sixth book
Romilda Vane
How to drive away dementors
Expecto Patronum
How many balls needed in a game of Quidditch
Four balls
(2 Bludger; Quaffle; Golden Snitch)
Who does Ginny go to the Yule Ball with
Neville Longbottom
What was the name of the Defense of the Dark Arts teacher in Harry's sixth year
How to heal someone who is poisoned
(Potion: If said, person says at least 2 ingredients)
What is Ginny's favorite spell
Bat-Bogey Hex
How long was the longest Quidditch match
Three months
What was the name of Draco Malfoy and Pancy Parkinson's child name
Scorpious Malfoy
Name the candy that Dumbledore says is his favorite muggle food in the first book
Lemon Drops
What potion calms anxiety in Harry Potter
The Draught Of Peace
What is Harry's first spell
(Second Book)
(To Draco)
In what book was “Gryffindor Versus Ravenclaw” a chapter
Prisoner of Azkaban
(If said: Thirteenth chapter)
Who flirted with Hermione
What was the name of Harry's cat
(Used to be Potter's pet when Harry was little baby)
Which potion did the Potter's invent
Sleekeazy's Hair Potion
What is Draco's Patronus
A Dragon
How long was the shortest Quidditch match
Three and a half seconds
What is the name of Harry's twin sister
Lillian Potter