
In minecraft the day and night cycle is only present in the overworld, and sleeping anywhere else will lead to the pleseant death message "blew up"

The death message is "killed by intentional game design"

In Star Wars, in order to free young Anakin Skywalker from slavery, Qui-Gon Jinn first uses a Jedi Mind Trick to convince his master Watto, a Toydarian junk merchant, to allow him to pod race.

Mind tricks don't work on Toydarians


After the defeat of lord Voldemort Harry uses the Elder Wand to repair his own broken wand. Having his old wand restored he breaks the Elder Wand so that no new master may ever wield it.

(Harry Potter)

Harry didn't break the Elder Wand but put it back in Dumbledore's grave. If Harry would die a normal death the Elder Wand would have no new master.


In Celeste Madeline tries to climb a mountain, metaphor for Madeline's mental health struggles. On her way through the eight chapters she meets characters such as Theo, her evil twin Badeline, Mr. Oshiro and Granny. After finally climbing the mountain she decends into the heart of the mountain, and if the player isn't utterly destroyed yet can tackle the B and C sides.


There are nine chapters in celeste. The chapter Farewell was added to the game and does not have a B or C side.


In Pokémon, use of the moonstone can evolve a Clefairy into a Clefable, a Jigglypuff into a Jigglytuff, or a Nidorina into a Nidoqueen

A Jigglypuff evolves into a Wigglytuff

Alice and Jasper being the only vampires not turned by Carlisle they arrived to the Cullens as outsiders. Alice fitted right in with the family and their livestyle and was Edwards favorite sister, but Jasper had a much harder time converting to the Cullen's "vegetarianism" and Bella long suspected that if it wasn't for Alice, Jasper would still drink human blood.


Bella wasn't turned by Carlisle but by Edward


In the game Hearthstone Battlegrounds the player can by and sell minions in Bob's tavern before battling it out between 7 other players until one is left standing. With the nine minion types beast, amalgam, murloc, demon, dragon, elemental, pirate and quilboar rotating with five types per game.

There are only eight rotating minion types in battlegrounds. As an amalgam has all minion types and are in every game.


In Avatar the Last Airbender the freedom fighters comprised of teenagers and children under the leadership of Jet. In their hideout in the trees Aang met rebels such as Smellerbee, Haru and Longshot. However their meeting didn't end as planned as Jet had secretly made a plan to flood a village killing everyone inside, but luckily this plan failed due to Sokka's intervention.

Haru wasn't actually part of the freedom fighters but one of the last earthbenders in his village and Aang and the others later saved him and his father from a fire nation prison.


Oromis being hunted by Morzan and Kialandí was forever hurt after he rematerialized himself and his dragon out of their trap, permanently causing his magical power to almost dissapear, and in their flight Glaedr lost his leg.


It was Formora and Kialandí who trapped Oromis and Glaedr not Morzan and Kialandí

In magic the gathering the most powerful protection a card can have is called protection. If a creature has protection from a color it can't be targeted, dealt damage, attached to, blocked or destroyed by a card with this color.

A card with protection from a color can be killed by a card of that color as long as it doesn't target the creature. For example a card that says destroy all creatures would work.


The white lotus is a secret society in Avatar the Last Airbender derived from the name of the white lotus piece in the game Pai Sho. The order consisting of benders from all nations except the air nomads fought against the fire nation and liberated the city of Ba Sing Se.

Piandao a member of the white lotus was not a bender but a swordsman.


Percy's pegasus Blackjack is a peculiar horse who is in love with donuts, and once destroyed Paul's camaro. But Blackjack has pledged his eternal assistance to Percy after he saved him from Luke on the princess Andromeda

(Percy Jackson)

Paul's car was a prius not a camaro.


In sid meier's civilization the civilizations have an aggressive rating between 1 and 10, and Gandhi had an aggressive rating of 1. However a bug triggered when Gandhi adopted democracy and the agressive rating was reduced by two, meaning that Gandhi's agressive rating rolled over to a 10, resulting in him nuking everyone.

The agressive rating was stored as an eight bit number, meaning that the roll over resulted in Gandhi having an agressive rating of 255 compared to the normal maximum of 10.


In the original Star Treck, Spock has a faint greenish-yellow hues to create a subtle alien, otherwordly look. While this color is now iconic enough that you can buy pre-mixed versions of the makeup called L-N#1 the original plan was for Spock to be blue.

Spock was going to be red but most people had black and white TVs which made it appear to be blackface.


In Rifthold Celaena Sardothien fought as the only woman among 24 competitors to become the King's Champion. Celaena was free of her slavery and became the King's Champion after she killed Cain in the final duel.

(The Throne of Glass)

Celaena won against Cain but refused to kill him, after Celaena had turned her back on Cain he tried to kill her from behind. But Chaol saw what was happening and killed Cain