Kristie has hiked this trail and has told NOBODY about it
What is the John Muir trail or JMT
Kristie was found drunk on a ring camera footage screaming what phrase?
What is LET ME IN?
What is Rosary?
Where Wes & Kristie met
What is a volleyball league?
The names of Kristie & Wes's two dogs
What are Kimba and Smokey
Kristie's favorite painter on TV
What is Bob Ross
Cross streets Kristie's iconic college house was on Jr & Sr year
What is 83rd & Gonzaga?
The concoction Kristie and Luke were forced to drink every morning
What are greens?
How many times more steps does Kristie get than Wes per day on average
Kristie's old favorite hangover "outfit"
What is a toga?
The name of Kristie's old pottery instagram account
What is @KinkyKlay
Kristie slept through an accounting final and was wearing this to class
What is pajamas
Kristie home schooled with ____ in the 6th grade
What is Kendall, Conor, and Luke?
Wes's hometown
What is Richmond Virginia?
Amount of companies Kristie has worked with since the start of her career (according to her LI)
What is 6?
Kristie's most recent new cooking development in the last two years
What is ice cream
The holiday senior year Kristie showed up to accounting class drunk?
What is St Patricks Day?
The name of the candy store that Kristie's dad used to own
The first name Kristie and Wes were going to name Smokey
What is Bones?
What is Kristie allergic to which is pretty ironic?
What is dogs?
The letter Kristie received from the DMV that was hung up on her door in Santa Monica on Stanford Ave
What is The Worst Driver in California
Kristie's LMU volleyball jersey number (RIP)
What is number 17?
Kristie's first kiss was with _____
What is (Kristie fill in the blank I couldnt figure it out hahahh)
Wes's favorite thing about Kristie
"Her unbridled positive energy"
& for Kristie - "Her roll shot"
The room is Kristie most excited for in the new house