What song did Kristine compose and perform in 5th grade?
I'm Proud to be an American Flag
What was Kristine absolute favorite color at this age?
When Dad bought Kristine the PT Bruiser he thought he was getting Kristine her dream car. What was really Kristine's dream car?
Mini cooper
Who was the bald guy Kristine taught on her mission?
Eystein Bilben
How many years was Kristine in college?
What was Kristine and Jason invited to do as a child at the mall but didn't do because Kristine was too scared?
Sarah and Kristine made up movies with a hero and a villain. What were their names?
Bowling Pin and Goodja
Kristine once gave a headband to her crush. What did her crush (Jefferson Brewer) write on the headband before he gave it back to her?
The one headband to the rule them all in elvish
How many months was Kristine on her mission?
Name three majors that Kristine studied or thought about studying?
Nursing, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and teaching
What is the name of Kristine's colorful stuffed animal monkey?
What would Kristine do for fun in Junior High School?
Have staring contest with walls.
What did Kristine say back to the guy who made fun of her PT Cruiser?
Nice Face
Stavanger, Oslo, Kristiansand, Trondheim, Nordstrand, Drammen
What character was Kristine in the Harry Potter books narrated by Dad?
Name three people Kristine would walk home with from school.
Elise Manning, Kiki Tanner, Jess Kener, Sarah Abbott
Kristine once attacked Jason and kicked him in the tail bone. What did Jason do to deserve this assault?
Who was Kristine's longest companion?
Lynette Randall
During Rachael's bachelorette party, Kristine, Sarah, and Rachael did what?
Went skinny dipping
Kristine was once friends with the most popular girls in school but got kicked out of the group because there could only be three people in the clique. Who replaced Kristine in the clique? Or who were the two other people in the clique?
Marci Jeppson; Emma Goodman and Lilly Wachter
Kaylee and her cheerleader friend were playing would you rather with Kristine and asked; would you rather always have your thighs touch or never see your toes. How did everyone respond?
New York City
What political ideals did Kristine develop on her mission?
Socialist ideals
How many times did Kristine lose her phone in Thailand