Point me in the right direction
Buyer Beware
Where do I go?
This dimension was called Facts in Nielsen.
What are measures?
This is the main difference between POS and Panel data.
What is POS is scanned sales and Panel is data reported from panel HHs on what they bought? And there is no Random Weight in the Panel data.
The section in Unify where I can toggle between pre-selected items in a drop down menu for each report. There are 6 of these published for my use today.
What is a Desk?
The Desk I will use when I want to understand how my shopper trends have changed.
What is the Panel Trends Desk?
Food, Drug, Mass, Dollar, Club, Military and Walmart.
What are the outlets that make up All Outlets or Total MULO?
There are several retailers I can see in Panel data that I cannot see in POS data. Name at least 1.
What is Costco, Meijer, HEB, Whole Foods, Aldi?
The tool with the box and the arrow pointing up will do this.
What is export?
The Unify Desk I would use to understand my market sales trends.
What is the POS+ Desk?
This is how I can locate my commodities/sub-commodities within the Desk templates (rather than scrolling through the full list).
What is to search or filter in the product selector?
This is where I click to Export the Leakage Tree to excel.
What is Download?
These are the two different types of files I can export.
What is Excel and PPT?
This is where I go if I want to see where my Leaked Dollars are going.
What is a Leakage Tree?
This area of Unify houses the resource, training, and thought leadership information for Kroger users.
What is the File Cabinet?
These two panel measures, multiplied together, equal Visits (Product Trips)
What is Shoppers x Visits per HH?
I have to select this button to get a new set of data to run.
What is Apply?
This is where I go to find my Buyer Conversion.
What is a Leakage Tree Desk?
This is the person I call or email if I have questions after today.
Who is Traci Burke, Anthony James, Melissa Kelly or Emily Heitkamp ?
This is the phrase they tell the Panel HHs to remember to scan everything.
What is "If it’s on the planet, scan it"?
The dots on the right side of the page refer to these.
What are Reports?
This is where I go if I want to understand the breakout of dollars and/or trips by different types of trips, for Kroger and my main competitors.
What is a Trip Missions Desk?