Design Strategies
Renewable Energy
Alphabet Soup
This is the lighting design concept that considers the natural sleep and wake cycles of the human body.
What is Circadian Lighting Design? BONUS: Name the building rating system that includes this concept as a metric.
The name of the marketing term used to describe overblown environmental claims.
What is Greenwashing?
Effectively used daylighting sonotubes to evenly transmit light through its roof, allowing partial or complete shutdown of the artificial lighting system, and helped contribute to its LEED Silver status.
What is Coca Cola Distribution Center
The fastest growing source of renewable energy.
What is wind power?
The most widely used certification system for green and sustainable buildings.
What is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)?
Where sustainability aims to put the world back into balance, this design principle looks for ways to manage an imbalanced world. Highly necessary in areas prone to natural disasters.
What is resilient design?
The activity of growing plants and harvesting water from the tops of buildings.
What is a green roof?
This upstate New York project met LEED Silver standards largely through the use of geothermal heat pumps, energy recovery units, a direct digital control system, and improved building thermal performance.
What is SUNY Cortland Studio West?
The mechanism/technology that converts sunlight directly to electricity?
What is Photovoltaics (PV)?
This organization promote responsible management of the world’s forests.
What is the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council)?
In this passive strategy, cool air is sucked in through low inlet openings and hotter exhaust air escapes through high outlet openings.
What is stack ventilation?
Excess carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere traps the sun's energy close to planet earth.
What is the greenhouse effect?
Earning the New Good Neighbor Award in 2011 for its sustainable features after its completion, this facility generates 1,197MWh of electricity per year from a roof mounted PV array that feeds power to both its newly constructed warehouse and an adjacent existing office building.
What is STS Distribution Center?
The use of hot underground waters to provide an energy source.
What is geothermal?
Vouchers that you automatically earn for every 1 megawatt-hour of solar electricity created, known as a “Green Tag”
What is an SREC (Solar Renewable Energy Certificate)?
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!! Studies have shown that, in the Northern hemisphere, solar panels should be oriented somewhere between these two cardinal directions to maximize energy production.
What is South and West?
Another term for eco-labeling.
What is a green seal?
DAILY DOUBLE!!! Expected to offset 80% of its yearly electrical demand, this day school in Morris Country recently completed installation of a 178 kw photovoltaic array.
What is the Gottesman RTW Academy?
Harnessing ocean waves or rushing waters to produce energy to convert to electricity.
What is hydropower?
Buildings consume this percentage of all the energy produced in the US, and emit this percentage of CO2. (Get within 10 of both).
What is 48% and 45%?
This device, part of a rainwater catchment system, diverts the initial flow of water from the catchment surface away from the storage tank to minimize contamination.
What is a first flush diverter?
This US-based organization provides certification and credentialing in the green business and sustainability industry (provide full name).
What is Green Business Certification Inc.?
When complete, this project will have the capacity to grow up to 2 million pounds of baby leafy greens and herbs per year and will offer 75 times more productivity per square foot annually than a traditional field farm.
What is Aerofarms?
Two means to generate energy based on harnessing /using plants.
What are Biomass & BioFuels?
The triple bottom line.
What is PPP (People, Profit, Planet)?