Cats always land on their feet
What is false
This deep-sea fish has developed a bioluminescent organ called a photophore, allowing it to attract prey in the pitch-black depths.
What is an angler fish
This tool is commonly used to remove tartar and plaque from a pet's teeth.
What is a dental scaler
This famous feline became well-known for her scowling facial expression.
Who is Grumpy Cat
This animal has the ability to see ultraviolet light, allowing it to detect patterns on flowers.
What is a bee
A dry nose indicates sickness in dogs
What is false
This bird, native to New Zealand, is the only one in the world that uses its sense of smell for hunting, locating its prey through scent.
What is the kiwi
This machine uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the internal organs.
What is an ultrasound
This horse, known for its incredible speed, was the first to win the Triple Crown in 1973
Who is Secretariat
This animal uses echolocation to navigate and hunt for prey, emitting sound waves that bounce off objects.
What is a dolphin (haha you probably said bat)
Rabbits cannot vomit
What is true
This animal moves so slowly that it often grows algae on its fur, providing camouflage and even creating a unique ecosystem of small organisms.
What is a sloth
This piece of equipment is used for sterilizing surgical instruments by applying high-pressure steam.
What is an autoclave
This dog is proficient in all sports, namely basketball
Who is Air Bud
This animal has three types of color receptors in its eyes, allowing it to see a wider range of colors than humans, and can "punch" at speeds of 50 mph.
What is a mantis shrimp
Snakes can unhinge their jaws to swallow prey.
What is false (They just have stretchy jaw ligaments)
This animal can breathe through its skin, allowing it to survive in both aquatic and terrestrial environments.
What is a frog
This tool, often used during spaying or neutering surgeries, is designed to clamp blood vessels.
What is a hemostat
This famous sheep became the first mammal to be cloned, changing the world of science and ethics in the process.
Who is Dolly
This animal is known for its incredible hearing, able to detect sounds as high as 100,000 Hz, which helps it locate prey.
What is a barn owl
Ferrets can catch the common cold from humans.
What is True
Known for its ability to regenerate lost limbs, this amphibian also has the remarkable capability to regenerate parts of its heart, brain, and spinal cord.
What is an axolotl
This instrument is used to examine the internal structures of an animal’s ear, allowing veterinarians to look for infections or foreign objects.
What is an otoscope
This chimpanzee, who became famous in the 1960s, was the first primate to be sent into space by the United States.
Who is Ham
This animal has the ability to detect the Earth's magnetic field, allowing it to navigate over long distances during migration.
What is a sea turtle