Child Development

The ratio for Liscening

What is:

1:12 for Preschool

1:6 for Infant/Toddler


The kind of activities that need to be on your calendar every week

What is:

Math, Science, Art, Cooking, Phonics


The timeframe when a child's brain develops the most

What is:

Ages 0-5 years of ages is the most important time of a child's life since this is when children's brains develop the most


You notice one of your coworkers has a child who is having a meltdown and you can tell they are struggling to help the child. Something you could do is...

What is:

HELP THEM! (Ask to bring the child over to your room, talk to the child, let the teacher know you can help if they need it, give the teacher a break and take over in the classroom, etc)


When should you sweep the floors, wipe down tables/counters and sanitize high touched surfaces?

What is:

Multiple times a day


Body positioning in the classroom

What is:

Always having the children in your sights


Things that should be on your calendar (Name at least 5)

What is:

Activities (math, science, etc), Month, Book/Theme, PJ Movies Days, Parties, Holidays, Circle Time, Spanish


Pretend play is important to child development because...

What is:

It helps children feel more independent by letting them dive deeper into their own internal world, giving them a sense of their identity, likes and dislikes.


You see a child (who is not from your class) has an accident but the child's teacher is busy already taking another child to the bathroom. Something you could do is...

What is:

Wait for the teacher to come back and take the child in to change them (if over ratio), take the child in to change them (if under ratio), call the front desk and see if someone can take the child, etc


When a child goes to the bathroom, you...

What is:

Stand by the bathroom and help them if needed


Children can be left alone...

What is:



Our curriculum is labeled as...

What is:

Inquiry-based story book curriculum


Differences between Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Learning Disorders

What is:

ASD: A neurodevelopmental disorder, which means it affects how the brain functions and processes information

Learning Disorders: Typically these affect how someone is able to understand new processes, especially in regards to reading, writing, mathematics, etc (EX: Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Dyspraxia, etc)

You know you're going to be late coming back from your lunch. Something you should do is...

What is:

Call KTCA to let someone know that you'll be late or ask for a later/extended lunch (if you know ahead of time)

After you use someone else's things (vaccum, swiffer, hot glue gun, tape, scissors, etc) you...

What is:



Infants/Toddlers can combine with Preschoolers...

What is: 

In the first and last hour of the day

Something new we learn about every month, school wide

What is:

A new country


The differences between a child with ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Emotional/Behavioral Disorders, Trauma, and a "Gifted Students"

What is:

ADHD: Symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, difficulty organizing/time management, social difficulties,

Learning Disabilities: Difficulty with specific academic skills, challenges with processing information, difficulty with fine motor skills, poor coordination, social and emotional challenges

Emotional/Behavioral Disorders: Frequent outbursts of anger or aggression, defiance or noncomplience, excessive anxiety or depression, difficulty managing emotions and social difficulties

Trauma: Flashbacks, avoidance, hyperarousal, negative thoughts or feelings, and changes in behavior

"Gifted Students": Ability to learn things early and rapidly, difficulty concentrating on tasks that are not intellectually stimulating, highly energetic, impulsive, non-stop chatting and executive functioning issues


How long are our breaks and lunches?

What is:

Breaks are 10 minutes

Lunches are 30 minutes or 1 hour

When you can use your phone

What is:

In case of emergency or you let us know you need to use your phone


The response to "How many kids do you have?"

What is:

An immediate and accurate number of children in your classroom


Name a phonics activity that would count towards your phonics 3x/wk

What is:

Reading (to them or silently reading), letter stories, letter worksheets, teaching them how to write their names/what letters are in their names, letter flashcards, sight words, etc


Developmental appropriateness for:

2 year olds

3 year olds

4 year olds

What is:

2 yrs: Following 2 - 3 step directions, sort objects by shape & color, imitate actions done by playmates & adults, and express a wide array of emotions

3 yrs: Ride a tricycle, use safety scissors, notice differences between boys and girls, help dress and undress self, play with other children, recall parts of stories, and sing songs

4 yrs: Draw a person with 3 - 6 seperate body parts, understand difference between reality and fantasy, count up to 20, write first name, and draw shapes


Something you do after taking your kids to play outside

What is:

Clean up the playground. Putting the bikes against the gate, putting away the balls, cleaning up any messes, etc


When should you clock in and out for work?

What is:

At your scheduled time (if you start at 8, clock in at 8. If you leave at 5, clock out at 5)