Start of Class
Class Supplies
Attention & Focus
End of Class

What happens if you arrive after the bell rings?

You are marked tardy in Infinite Campus.

What is a task in Mrs. K's class?

Any learning activity we do.


Who can use the markers, pencils, paper and other supplies in Mrs. K's room?

Everyone! As long as you are respectful and mindful.


When someone is talking, what are you doing?



Where should you put your binder and notebook?

Put binders neatly on the shelf and put the notebooks in the pink bin.


What happens if you are tardy more than two times?

The principals will assign you a lunch detention and call your parents.


If I get a low grade on any task, what can I do?

You can redo the task up until the end of the unit or marking period.  


What do you do if you want to read a book on the bookshelf?

You can take it!  Please bring it back and put it back when you are done. 


When you want to talk what do you need to do?

Wait for the right time - raise your hand.


What should you do with your chair?

Push it in!


As soon as you come in the room, what do you do?

Get your binder and notebook and go to your seat.

How do I know that Mrs. K is going to give instructions?

The chime rings.


What item does Mrs. K have that is the best on the planet?

Her pencil sharpener!


Why is it a problem to interrupt, blurt out or talk while the teacher or another student is talking?

You stop other students from learning, and that's not fair to them.


You borrowed classroom supplies for a task. What do you do with them?

Return them to the bins and holders that you took them from. 

What will you see on the whiteboard when class starts?  You will do this while Mrs. K takes attendance.

The Bellringer task.


If you aren't sure what to do with a task but Mrs. K has given directions, what should you do?

Try first because Mrs. K didn't make a task that is impossible for me to do.


When should you go get supplies?

Before class starts or after Mrs. K has given directions and chimed or told you to start.

What happens when the class pays attention and focuses to get the work done in class all the time?

There's no homework and we get to have celebrations and rewards. 

When do you leave the class?

When your teacher dismisses you -- not when the bell rings.


Who get to sit in the rolling chair?

A different student each week gets to use the rolling chair.


What do you do if you don't finish a task in class? (2 things)

Finish as homework and bring it back the next day.


Whose supplies are not yours?  

Your classmates' supplies! Don't touch other people's stuff!


When can you use e-hallpass to go to your locker and/or to the bathroom?

Only when there is a break in the teaching or between tasks.  This is so others can keep their focus.


What time does our class end?

It depends!