620 Central Avenue
What is the address of Kulanu?
Challah gets it's golden color from this key ingredient
We dip this food in honey to symbolize a sweet new year
What is an apple?
There are this many pizza stores on Central Avenue. 100 extra point if you can name them all
5: Central Pizza, Davids, Pizza'le, Lapizzaioli, Jerusalem Pizza
Peter Parker is his real name
Who is spider man?
This hands-on class teaches cooking skills, food safety, and nutrition, preparing student for careers in the culinary field.
What is Culinary?
Challah is traditionally covered with this during the Shabbat blessings
What is a challah cover?
Chanukah lasts for this many nights
What is eight?
pastries and coffee abound at this sweet voc location
Chocolate Cafe
These brothers are famous for making crazy inventions and own a platypus
Is it Phineas and Ferb?
Kulanu's very first class was here
Where is HAFTR
Before baking challah, some people perform this mitzvah by separating a small piece of dough as an offering
What is Hafrashat Challah?
These triangle-shaped pastries are named after the villain of the Purim story.
What are hamantaschen?
How many Boys/Men's clothing stores are on Central Avenue? 100 Extra points if you can name them all
Suit Central, Emporio, Under 5"10, Andrew Locke, Suitery.
This princess leaves her tower after years of isolation, only to discover she’s the lost heir to the kingdom
Who is Rapunzel?
This person has worked at Kulanu the longest.
Who is Mrs. FInk
In Jewish tradition, challah represents this biblical food that fell from the heavens
What is mann?
The Purim story is found in this biblical book.
What is the Book of Esther?
What day is BOGO at Berrylicious
Tuesday and Saturday night
This genius billionaire philanthropist built his own suit of armor to escape captivity
Who is Tony Stark (Iron Man)?
Kulanu is this many years old.
What is 24
This many loaves of challah are placed on the Shabbat table to symbolize the double portion of manna in the desert.
What is two? (Lechem Mishneh)
This Jewish holiday is the 14th of Adar
What is the date of Purim?
What is McGlynn?
The street the busses park on
This year marked the release of the first High School Musical movie.
What is 2006?