Do it for the Plot
#Needy (Maslow's)
Throwback! (Historical Context)
Themes & Agree/Disagree

Name the entire Younger Family and the setting of the play including the year that the play takes place in. 

What is, Walter, Ruth, Beneatha, Travis, and Mama(Lena). They live in the South Side of Chicago, during the 1950s. 


What drives mama? Where does that fall on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

What is Mama is driven the need for family well-being and the desire for a better life. What is love and belonging. (Potentially would accept safety). 


What was the Great Migration? Provide as much detail as possible including dates and places. 

What is The Great Migration, spanning from approximately 1910s to 1970, was a significant movement of African Americans from the rural Southern United States to urban centers in the North and Midwest in search of better economic opportunities and escape from racial discrimination.


Does Hansberry push the theme that "money is life" or family and freedom is life. Which characters convey this theme. 

What is Family and freedom, what is Walter and Mama


What was Mr. Lindner's goal in coming to see the Youngers? What does he represent?

What is Lindner, a member of the housing association of Clyborne Park, wanted to prevent the Youngers from moving. He embodies the racial prejudices and attempts to maintain segregation prevalent during that time.


How does Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs help us understand Walter. What drives him at the beginning vs. the end of the play?

What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs sheds light on Walter's progression from prioritizing financial security to embracing higher-order needs like family, self-respect, and ethics, underscoring his evolving understanding that genuine success extends beyond money.  


When African Americans moved North through the Great Migration, what were the conditions like? (Both positive and negative) How does this connect to ARITS.

What is... 

Disadvantages: Continued Racism, Redlining and segregation, over crowed housing with shared bathrooms, challenges with finding jobs, 

Advantages: Freedom, Identity, Better chances for education, Formation of large communities

+ Explanation with examples from ARITS that may vary.


What is a message you take away from the story?

What is answers may vary


Explain a conflict between two characters. Explain the significance of the conflict. 

What is answers may vary


Using Malsow's Hierarchy, compare what drives Ruth to what drives Beneatha? What might Hansberry be teaching us through their contrasting needs.

What is answers may vary... 

While Ruth's concerns are rooted in providing physiological needs, Beneatha's aspirations extend to personal fulfillment and self-expression (esteem and self-actualization.) This generational contrast reveals the impact of having basic needs met on dreams, representing marginalized groups being provided or held back from opportunity.


What does redlining look like in Evanston/ Chicago today? What is the significance of this? How does it connect to ARITS?

What is... answers may vary 

The effects of both historic and modern redlining still persist, particularly impacting marginalized groups. This echoes the challenges faced by the Younger family highlighting how historical discriminatory practices continue to contribute to racial and economic inequalities in housing and opportunities.


What do you think is Hansberry's understanding of being the "Man of the House"?

Being responsible and making decisions for the betterment of the family, and not just yourself. 


Identify a symbol in the play and what is represents. 

What is answers vary. 


Name each level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs and explain the theory. 

What is a theory of motivation which states that five categories of human needs dictate an individual’s behavior. Those needs are physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.

Maslow's argument is that the most basic needs must be met before people can move "up" to the more advanced needs.


What similarities are there between the play and Lorriane Hansberry's life experiences?

What is living in the South Side of Chicago, facing housing discrimination when buying a house in a predominantly white neighborhood, navigating racial discrimination, a change in the father, Langston Hughes, and more..


Agree/ Disagree- Females should never aspire to be in high power, high stress careers (medicine, law, etc.). Use examples from Raisin to explain your answer. 

Answers may vary. 


Explain Beneatha's view of assimilation. What is Hansberry teaching readers about assimilation through Beneatha? 

When a person forgets their original culture and replaces it with a dominate culture in order to fit in.

Through Beneatha Hansberry shows that assimilation is complex. Beneatha seeks success in mainstream society but also explores her African heritage, emphasizing a balance between adapting to societal expectations and preserving cultural identity.


Using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, explain the conflict between two or more characters in raisin. 

Teacher Choice 


Define Redlinning and Restrictive Convenents. Where do you see this in ARITS?

What is Redlining is a discriminatory practice where certain neighborhoods, often populated by marginalized groups or communities of color,  are marked as high-risk for loans and insurance, leading to limited financial opportunities.

Restrictive covenants are contractual agreements that prohibit the sale or rental of property to individuals from specific racial or ethnic groups.

In "A Raisin in the Sun," the Younger family faces the impact of redlining when attempting to move to a new home in a predominantly white neighborhood, highlighting the systemic barriers and racial discrimination prevalent in housing during that era.


Agree/Disagree: As long as you work hard, you can achieve your dreams. 

Answers may vary.