Tort-ally Awesome
Family Issues
The Basics
Criminal Practice
Evidence and Trial

A noncontractual civil wrong that results in an injury or other loss for which the injured party has legal remedy.

What is tort law?


The three different ways to "break up" with your spouse.

hint: null and void, termination, and no termination

What are annulment, divorce, and legal separation?


The two definitions of civil law, one of which is not practiced in the U.S.

What is a legal system based upon written laws or codes?

What is a type pf law that controls private disputes between parties?


The mental state of the defendant that proves the defendant INTENDED to commit the crime.

What is mens rea


It can be in the form of writing, business records, and correspondence.

What is documentary evidence?


These are the 9 types of intentional tort.

What are false imprisonment, assault, battery, false arrest, libel, slander, emotional distress, malicious prosecution, and abuse of process.


How one may help their spouse after separation.

(brownie points- what if they have custody of the child?)

What is spousal support?

What is child support?


They are different than the laws that define our rights and obligations, instead they dictate how we enforce them.

What are procedural laws?


An act where the person is careless or indifferent to the consequences of their actions.

What is a reckless act?


A type of evidence that provides the jury with information from which they can draw inferences of their own. (It is not enough on its own)

What is circumstantial evidence?

(Bonus Points-What is the opposite of this?)


The person who becomes liable if found guilty due to a "preponderance of evidence".

Who is a tortfeasor?


A written request for answers to questions, this discovery tool is used by the parties; written responses are required.

What is an interrogatory?


This is on the prosecution to prove that the defendant is guilty. (It is similar to the "preponderance of evidence" in civil law).

What is the burden of proof?


An example of this act would be firing a gun into a crowded room.

What is a knowing act?

The act of isolating the jury completely from the outside world. (putting them in a hotel, no contact other than the trial)

What is a sequester?


A type of tort where there is a failure to act as a reasonably prudent person would act under the same or similar circumstances.

What is negligence?


The initial pleading is done by this person, which may request a divorce, nullity of marriage, or legal separation.

Who is the petitioner?


A behavior that society has declared illegal and has decided to punish.

What is a crime?


This always exists when a crime is committed.

What is actus reus?


A tool used by a cross-examiner to attack the credibility of a witness.

What is impeachment?


The type of tort that is not based on fault, but on public policy where individuals who engage in certain types of activities or conduct that cause an injury must compensate the injured party

What is strict liability?


The way that most family law cases are ended, likely an out of court solution.

What is mediation?

When you are guilty until proven innocent, you live in this system.

What is a civil law system?


The difference between first degree and second degree murder.

(for the answer, first degree is ____ and second degree is _____)

What is premeditated vs impulsive?


These are exceptions to evidence collection or evidence that can be used in court.

What are hot pursuit, plain-view, and exigent circumstances?