"A one-horse open sleigh"
Jingle Bells
Popular Christmas decoration that is used to crack nuts
A Nutcracker
This many reindeer pull Santa's sleigh
This appeared in the sky the night Baby Jesus was born
Star of Bethlehem Hula hoop
fill in the blank
______ calendar.
Bethlehem, the city of ___________
This is given on the 7th day of Christmas in The Twelve Days of Christmas song?
Seven swans a-swimming
A house that is edible
Gingerbread house
This is the best way to spread Christmas cheer
Singing loud for all to hear
The wise men brought gifts to baby Jesus. Name the gifts
Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
These hang by the fireplace to collect gifts from Santa.
Where did Mary live when she was visited by Gabriel?
In fields where they lay
The First Noel
Kids leave this meal out for Santa on Christmas Eve
Milk and Cookies
May accept other answers
A song about this snowman, who comes to life one day
Frosty the Snowman
According to scripture, Mary rode this animal to Bethlehem
This Christmas song was actually written for Thanksgiving.
Jingle Bells.
According to scripture, what animal did Mary ride to Bethlehem?
A donkey
In "Jingle Bell Rock" everyone is dancing and prancing here.
Jingle Bell Square
Famous type of cake made on Christmas
In Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol", Mr. Scrooge's first name
This is the city Baby Jesus was born in
This person is considered the Queen of Christmas.
Mariah Carey.
What was the sign given to the shepherds by the angel?
Find the baby wrapped in swaddling cloths in a manger
"And Heaven and Nature Sing"
Joy to the World
Famous Christmas plant that gets hung above heads
This popular miniature character who checks on kids for Santa is sometimes posed for memes
Elf on a Shelf
Mary and Joseph traveled from this city for the census
What is the date of Christmas?
December 25th
Approx. how many miles did Mary and Joseph travel for the census?
"but do you recall....the most famous reindeer of all?"
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Bonus points to name all 8 others (50 per reindeer)
The Christmas decoration made from strands of silver (traditionally) but may also come in other colors.
Tell me two famous animated snowmen
Frosty and Olaf
Candy canes represent this from the Christmas story
the shepherds' staffs
Candy canes originated in what counrty?
In which book of the Bible is Jesus named the Wonderful Counselor and Prince of Peace?
"Come they told me, Pa Rum pum pum pum"
Little Drummer Boy
Popular Christmas beverage, a cinnamon packed "milk punch"
According to "It's a Wonderful Life", this happens every time a bell rings
An angel gets its wings
After leaving Bethlehem, Mary, Joseph, and Jesus traveled to this country
What did the 3 wise men give as gifts?
gold, frankincense, and myrrh
Who did God allow to live until they saw Baby Jesus with their own eyes?
... and a happy new year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas
When it is snowing on Christmas Day we call it this
A White Christmas
This Christmas themed ballet features the "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"
The Nutcracker
These two books of the Bible tell the story of Christ's birth
Matthew and Luke
This beverage company has been making commercials starring Santa Claus since the 1930's
Coca Cola
Which two books of the Bible tell the story of Christ's birth?
Matthew and Luke
Fa-la-la la-la la-la-la-la
Deck the Halls
A Christian ornamental display of the birth of Jesus
Nativity scene
The saint that Santa Clause was derived from
St. Nicholas
This is the meaning of Jesus's name, "Emmanuel"
God is With Us
This author wrote the famous Christmas story about the grumpy Ebenezer Scrooge.
Charles Dickens.
What is the meaning of Jesus's name, "Emmanuel"?
God With Us
He's making a list and checking it twice...
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
A gift exchange with a group of people where they pass it around in a circle. Gifts can be stolen.
White elephant
The movie the Grinch is based on a story by this famous author
Dr. Seuss
What does the word Noel mean in Latin?
A reindeer is also known as this in North America.
Sing the first verse in away in a manger
{Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head; the stars in the heavens looked down where He lay, the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay}