General History
Adventist Heritage
Abstract Thinking
General Science

Who is the current president of Burundi?

a) Évariste Ndayishimiye 

b) Michel Micombero 

c) Jean-Baptiste Bagaza 

d) Pierre Buyoya 

a) Évariste Ndayishimiye


Who published the fundamental beliefs of the Adventist church in 1972?

a) J.N. Andrews

b) James White

c) A. T. Jones

d) Uriah Smith

b) James White


Mindy’s current age is 3 times that of her daughter, Cindy. 4 years ago, Mindy’s age was 4 times that of her daughter, what will be Cindy’s age 5 years from now? 

A) 17 Years

B) 21 Years 

C) 27 Years 

D) 15 Years

A) 17 Years


This coat can only be put on when wet.



What is the primary source of energy for the Earth’s climate system?

 A) Geothermal energy

B) Solar energy

 C) Nuclear energy

 D) Tidal energy

B) Solar energy


What significant event occurred during the 1991 Kamukunji meeting, and who were the notable figures involved?

A) The formation of the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy (FORD) led by Kenneth Matiba and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga

 B) The drafting of the new Kenyan Constitution with President Daniel arap Moi

 C) The establishment of a new economic policy under Mwai Kibaki

 D) The signing of the peace agreement to end the 2007-2008 post-election violence

A) The formation of the Forum for the Restoration of Democracy (FORD) led by Kenneth Matiba and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga


When was the Seventh Day Adventist Church officially incorporated?

a) October 22, 1844

b) June 06, 1863

c) May 21, 1863

d) November 14, 1888

c) May 21, 1863


The sum of three consecutive even integers is 72. What is the value of the smallest integer?

A) 22

B) 24

C) 26

D) 28

A) 22


I have a neck but no head, yet I can still wear a cap. 

A bottle


What is the chemical symbol for the element with atomic number 30?

 A) Fe

 B) Zn

 C) Cu

 D) Ga

B) Zn


Which British official was primarily responsible for the implementation of the policy of indirect rule in Kenya?

   A) Lord Delamere

   B) Sir Evelyn Baring

   C) Sir Henry Cambell-Bannerman

   D) Sir Philip Mitchell

B) Sir Evelyn Baring


I patented an improved model of an artificial leg with a fully flexible knee and ankle joints. Additionally, I patented a school desk with and improved folding seat. I became a Seventh Day Adventist in 1852. I was one of the most fluent writers in the young denomination. Who am I?

a) Ellen White

b) Annie Smith

c) J. N. Andrews

d) Uriah Smith

e) A. T. Jones

d) Uriah Smith


The average of 5 numbers is 12. If one number is excluded, the average of the remaining numbers is 10. What is the excluded number?

A) 15

B) 20

C) 22

D) 25

B) 20


I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?

An echo


In evolutionary biology, what is the name of the process by which new species arise from a common ancestor through divergent evolution?

A) Convergent evolution

B) Adaptive radiation

C) Genetic drift

D) Horizontal gene transfer

B) Adaptive radiation


Which influential Kenyan leader was known for his efforts in the formation of the Pan-Africanist movement and was also a prominent figure in the struggle for Kenya’s independence?

  A) Jaramogi Oginga Odinga

  B) Tom Mboya

  C) Bildad Kaggia

  D) Achieng' Oneko

 B) Tom Mboya


Who was the first SDA missionary to Kenya?

a) John Nyangau

b) Peter Nyambo

c) Brian Ngome

d) John Tay

e) Michael Belina

a) John Nyangau


A vessel is filled with liquid, 3 parts of which are water and 5 parts syrup. How much of the mixture must be drawn off and replaced with water so that the mixture may be half water and half syrup? 

A) 1/3 

B) 1/4 

C) 1/5

D) 1/7

C) 1/5


I have keys, but no locks; space but no rooms. You can enter but you can't go outside. 



What is the scientific term for the study of fossils and ancient life forms?

A) Paleontology

B) Archaeology

C) Geology

D) Astrobiology

A) Paleontology


During the early 20th century, which Kenyan leader was exiled to Seychelles by the British colonial government for his role in anti-colonial activism?

  A) Jomo Kenyatta

  B) Harry Thuku

  C) Bildad Kaggia

  D) Dedan Kimathi

B) Harry Thuku

He was the first ordained Adventist minister to preach in favor of the Seventh Day Sabbath?

a) Fredrick Wheeler

b) Joseph Bates

c) James White

d) J. N. Andrews 

a) Fredrick Wheeler


 A family has two children. find the probability that both the children are girls given that at least one of them is a girl? 

A) 1/4 

B) 2/3 

C) 1/3

D) 1/4

C) 1/3


They might say I'm popular. I always have the most dates.

A calendar.


In the field of quantum mechanics, what principle states that certain pairs of physical properties cannot be simultaneously known to arbitrary precision?

A) Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

B) Schrödinger's Equation

C) Pauli Exclusion Principle

D) Planck's Constant

A) Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle