A tetrahedron like sculpture that was made for a Pharaoh Khufu
What is the great pyramid of Giza
the first emperor built these statue out of terra cotta to protect his dead body
What is the terra-cotta warriors
This meme is a frog crying
What is Pepe the frog
This show is about a nanny
What is jessie
This is how much points you get when you score a touchdown
What is 6 points
This wall is 13,171 Miles long
What is the Great Wall of China
this structure was built In 220 bc to protect China
What is the Great Wall of China
This meme was made in 2013. The meme is basically a dog
What is the doge meme
This show is about super humans
What is the lab rats
In baseball there is 4 plates on the ground that mean you‘re safe
What is diamond
This is a statue of a thunder god and it’s placed on the Olympics
What is the statue of Zeus
He was the first emperor In China and his name in English is “the first emperor“
Who Is Qin Shi Huang
“Do you know da way”
Who is Uganda knuckles
This show is about a famous girl hiding her identity
What is Hannah Montana
the olympics was hosted here in 2004
Where is Athens
This statue is Jesus standing on Mount Corcovado, Rio de Janerio
What is the Christ the Redeemer
This system doesn’t have any roads even it says it in the name but it’s a trading system where China traded silk
What is the Silk Road
a man saying ok
What is the okeh meme
This show is about twins on a Cruise ride
What is suite life on deck
This is a sport against 2 teams with bats
What is cricket
This structure was built in Rome for entertainment. They would fight each other till the death
What is the colosseum
This is the first female emperor
Who is Wu Zetian
This meme was from the muppets
Who is kerment the frog
This show is about a girl seeing into the future
What is that’s so raven
A Japanese heavy-weighted wrestling. The 2 opponents have to push each other out of the circle
What is sumo wrestling