School Subjects

Which is Kyo's favorite video game?

A: Minecraft

B: Roblox

A: Minecraft

(I actually have never played Roblox before😐😛)


Which Math subject was Kyo's favorite to learn during this school year?

A: Roman numerals

B: Fractions

A: Roman numerals


What type of game does a person get bored of quickly?

A Board game!!!🤣


What board game am I terrible at?

A: Chess

B: Othello

C: Both

C: Both


Which ELA subject was Kyo's favorite to learn during this school year?

A: Poems

B: Imaginative Writing

C: The Alphabet

B: Imaginative Writing


What two types of numbers are very delicious?

Pie and Ramen numerals!!! 🤣🥧🥡


Which supports game do I watch?

A: Tennis

B: Bass ball

C: Gulf ball

D: Basket ball

B: Bass ball


Which Science subject was Kyo's favorite to learn during this school year?

A: Water cycle

B: Sound

C: Biome project

D: Both B and C

D: Both B and C


What king animal lies a lot?

The lion king!!!🤣


Not about subjects, but what was Kyo's favorite Riddle he learned during this school year?

A: All of them

B: Non of them

C: both A and B

D: All of the above

E: Non of the above

A: All of them


What did the cat say to the mouse when he help him get out of the net?

Thanks that was mice of you!!!🤣


Which Social Studies subject was Kyo's favorite to learn during this school year?

A: The Revolutionary War

B: The Civil War

C: WW1

D: WW2

E: The Cold War

F: All of the above

G: Non of the above

F: All of the above