Context Clues (8.4a)
Root Words (8.4b)
Inferences (8.4d)

When Beth and Donna were fighting over a boy who didn’t like either one of them, Shana stepped in as a mediator. She sat them both in a corner and kept them talking to each other. Finally, Shana’s efforts resulted in her two friends making up. 

Mediator most likely means...

What is a peacemaker?


The definition of a root word

What is the basic part of a word?


This is the most pivotal moment in my life. No other moment will ever compare to this one. 

worst, crucial, disappointing

Another word from the list that can replace pivotal and have the same meaning is: 

What is crucial?


The owner of the restaurant wouldn’t allow Samantha to walk through the door. “I’m sorry,” she said, “but you started a food fight the last time you were here. You may not have ingress to my restaurant!” 

Ingress most likely means...

What is the right to enter?


The root word found in conformity

What is form?

When the rock star checks his mail, he almost always finds one or two bizarre gifts from some of his ardent fans. 

crazy, passionate, boring

Another word from the list that could replace ardent could be...

What is passionate?


Don’t feel stupid. Yes, you thought this worthless replica was a valuable work of art. But it even fooled a lot of experts. It certainly looked like the real thing! 

A replica is __________.

What is a copy?


The definition of the Latin root scrib-/script-.

What is to write?


She served a stint in the army, followed by a stint in an office setting, before settling on a career as a lounge singer. 

term, session, time

Another word that could best replace stint in the sentence, could be...

What is term?


When your plan brings us great wealth, you will be rewarded for your sagacity.

Sagacity probabaly means... 

What is intelligence or smart decision?


The root word in monologue that most likely means word, study, to speak: mono- or -log.

What is -log?


Penguins are ungainly on land, always waddling around awkwardly on the ice. 

clumsy, awkward, bulky

Another word that from the list that could replace ungainly in the sentence is...

What is clumsy?


I am working very hard for the same candidate that you support. You are doing it for pay. I’m not doing this for money. I’m doing it out of conviction.

Conviction most likely means... 

What is a strong belief?

The root word of zodiac that mostly like means animal.

What is zo-?


The building was defaced with graffiti. He was fined for defacing public property. 

vandalize, deform, ruin

Another word from the list that could replace deface in the sentence could be...

What is vandalize?