True or False: Sequence of Tenses determines the relationship in time of the main clause and subordinate clause.
Which tense of the subjunctive (active forms) always include the letters -eri-?
Do indirect questions end with question marks?
Is the indirect command the same as the imperative?
What words start off a purpose clause?
If the main clause is in the Primary Sequence (present, future, future perfect), what tense is used in the subordinate clause to show same time?
Present (Subjunctive)
What tense is the following verb?
What are the three components of an indirect question?
Verb of the Head, Question Word, Subjunctive Clause
What sort of verb is used in the main clause before an indirect command?
Verb of Asking/Telling
In your own words, what value does a purpose clause add to a sentence? (Why use one?)
It tells why the verb happened.
What tenses make up the Secondary Sequence?
Perfect, Imperfect, Pluperfect
Which verb below is subjunctive? (bibō, ere, bibī)
bibimus bibāmus
True or False:
Archpoēta exclāmāvit quam terribile esset vīnum.
(I will take either answer if you argue it.)
Fill in the missing word:
Ōrāvī ______ ad mē venīrēs
Read the following sentence, and answer the question.
Epistulam mittās ut sciam tē bene valēre!
Does the author of the sentence care about the person they're addressing? Why or why not?
Yes; they want to hear that the other is safe.
Is the subordinate clause happening at the same time or time before?
Librum scrīpsī ut fābulam meam nārrāvissem.
Time Before
Parse the following verb.
Third Person Plural Pluperfect Active Subjunctive
Translate the following:
Rogātīs quī hominēs aurum invēnerint.
Y'all ask which people had found the gold.
Translate the following:
Rogāvī ut mihi parcerēs.
Translate the following:
Ego arma tibi dat ut hostibus resistās.
I am giving you arms so that you will resist the enemies.
Is the subordinate clause happening at the same time or time before?
Dux ōrat ut hostēs sibi parcant.
Same time.
Convert the following verb from indicative to subjunctive.
ōrātus est
ōrātus sit
Convert the following into Latin. (You can ask for vocab):
The soldier asked why I was defending the city.
Mīles rogāvit cūr ego urbem dēfenderet.
Convert the following into Latin (you can ask for vocab):
I beg that you return to the fatherland.
Ōrō ut ad patriam revēniās.
Convert the following into Latin (you can ask for vocab):
I write to you in order for you to love me.
Tibi scrībō ut mē ames.