Rebekah's son
Genesis 29:12
Who is Jacob?
Rachel's First Son
Genesis 30:24
Who is Joseph?
Family members heard by Jacob complaining about what Jacob had done to Laban
Genesis 31:1
Who are Laban's sons?
Reason given for Lord opening Leah's womb, but Rachel was barren
Genesis 29:31
What is because Leah was unloved?
Jacob loved Rachel; so he Laban if he could serve him this amount of time for Rachel, his younger daughter
Genesis 29:18
How long is seven years?
Laban's older daughter
Genesis 29:16
Who is Leah?
Leah's second son
Genesis 29:33
Who is Simeon?
Reason given for Laban giving Leah in marriage to Jacob instead of Rachel
Genesis 29:26
What is that is was not proper to marry the younger daughter before the older?
Jacob served seven years for Rachel but that time seemed only a few days to him because of this emotion he had for her.
Genesis 29:20
What is love?
According to Genesis 31:38
Amount of time Jacob spent with Laban
How long is twenty years?
Rachel's father
Genesis 29:12
Who is Laban?
Bilhah's second son
Genesis 30:8
Who is Naphtali?
Wages asked of father in law, Laban by Jacob
Genesis 30:32
What is the speckled and spotted livestock?
Rachel's emotion toward Leah when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children
Genesis 30:1
What is envy?
According to Genesis 31:22,
Amount of time Jacob had been gone heading to Gilead before Laban found out
How long is three days?
Gad's mother
Genesis 30:10
Who is Zilpah, Leah's maid?
Zilpah's second son
Genesis 30:13
Who is Asher?
The LORD told Jacob to do this
Genesis 31:3
What is to return to the land of his fathers?
Person Jacob was angry with when Rachel demanded children
Genesis 30:2
Who is Rachel?
Amount of time Laban told Jacob to stay with Leah before he would be given Rachel
Genesis 29:27-28
How long is one week?
After establishing a covenant with Jacob at a place Laban called Jegar Sahadutha , Laban kissed and blessed these family members before returning home
Genesis 31:55
Who are his sons and daughters?
Leah's first son
Genesis 29:32
Who is Reuben?
Rachel and Leah's response to Jacob's dream about the rams which leap on the flocks are streaked, speckled, and gray-spotted
Genesis 31:14
What is they said, "Is there still any portion or inheritance for us in our father’s house?"
Emotional reason Jacob had for leaving without telling Laban
Genesis 31:31
What was Jacob was afraid Laban would take Leah and Rachel?
According to Genesis 31:41,
Amount of time Jacob served Laban for his flock
How long it six years?