Chapter 21
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Chapter 22
This is said to be like rivers of water in the hand of the lord - either a king's heart or a fool's stinky feet.
What is a king's heart?
An anger pacifier - a cool head or a secret gift
What is a secret gift?
His way is said to be perverse - a wicked man or a snake
What is a wicked man?
This is a ransom for the righteous - the wicked or a sack of money
What is the wicked?
This is to be chosen more than great riches - a good spouse or a good name
What is a good name?
A man's way may seem right to his own eyes but the Lord weighs this - hearts or knowledge
What is hearts?
This is what will destroy wicked men - violence or wisdom
What is violence?
This is what happens to the cry of a man who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor - he will not be heard or he will be given a tissue
What is "he will not be heard"?
A man who wanders away from understanding will rest here - in a foreign land or the assembly of the dead
What is "the assembly of the dead"
The rich and the poor have this in common - their maker or they pay taxes
What is their maker?
The Lord likes this more than a sacrifice - Wisdom or Righteousness
What is Righteousness?
This is where the plans of the hasty lead - Poverty or Misery
What is poverty?
This person becomes poor - one who loves pleasure or one who loves food
What is "one who loves pleasure"
The upright establish his way while the wicked shows this kind of face - clown or hardened
What is hardened?
If you sow iniquity, you reap this - wheat or sorrow
What is sorrow?
Another thing that the Lord likes more than a sacrifice - Justice or Wisdom
What is Justice? ***Pay attention, wisdom is a choice in both of these questions but the answer is " To do rightousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than a sacrifice."
This is said to be the pursuit of death - lying or getting treasures by lying
What is getting treasures by lying ****Hint - try to remember pursuit = getting
This is what happens when a wise man is instructed - he forgets what is said or he receives knowledge
What is "he receives knowledge"?
The proud, the haughty and scoffers all act with this - arrogant pride or shame
What is arrogant pride?
Riches, honor and life are the reward of this - foolishness or humility
What is humility?
This is where the plans of the diligent lead - To prayer or To plenty
What is to plenty?
This is where the plans of the hasty lead - Poverty or Success
What is Poverty?
It is better to live here than with a contentious and angry woman - the doghouse or the wilderness
What is the wilderness?
They speak endlessly - gossips or a man who listens to a false witness
What is a man who listens to a false witness?
A borrower becomes this to the lender - a tax write off or a servant?
What is a servant?