Inter/intra relationships
Cooperative groups
Biological clocks

Name this relationship

Parasitic or Exploitation


What is solitary living?

Living alone, defending oneself and providing resources like food, water and shelter for oneself.  With the only exception of reproduction.


Identify this response



What does endogenous mean?

Internal, controlled by a biological clock


Name THREE navigation cues

Magnetic fields, pilotage, landmarks, sun compass, solar, sonar, sound waves, wind currents, thermal/temperature, star compass, lunar/moon compass


The black walnut releases a toxic chemical into the soil that will kill any other plants nearby.  
Describe the relationship between these plants

Antibiosis or Allelopathy or Amensalism, one is unaffected the other is harmed


Why are courtship rituals/displays important?

Shows sexual maturity/ready to mate.  Displays characteristics that define whether or not a good mating partner.  Isolates species from each other


Name at least TWO of the possible responses for the example below

** they must be responses to TWO different stimuli

Positive phototropism, negative phototropism, positive geotropisms, negative geotropism, positive hydrotropism, negative thermotropism


Name the hormone responsible for sleep



Give TWO benefits of migration

Resources like food, shelter, water, mates, climate


Describe FIVE different interspecific relationships

Mutualism, Ammensalism, Commensalism, Exploitation, Parasitism, Predation, Alleleopathy, Anitbiosis


Explain the importance of agonistic displays

To reduce aggressive behavior that leads to fighting.  Fighting can result in injury or death of strong individuals in the group this can mean less defense against predators/invading groups


Explain this diagram

Pr is converted to Pfr during the daylight or white light or red light and Pfr is slowly converted to Pr during darkness or far-red light


Using the actogram:

  • Describe the activity pattern

  • Identify WHEN the free-running period occurs

  • Nocturnal, circadian,

  • Day 8 - 16


Give THREE risks for migration

Predation along the way, getting lost, no energy,


How do bond pairs increase the chance of survival?  Give at least TWO reasons

  • Two adults to look after offspring

  • Higher chance of offspring survival

  • Shared energy invested to look after offspring

  • Less energy invested to look for mating partner

  • Territorial - more resources


Why would the lowest member of a social group continue to live in a social hierarchy rather than alone?

Still get some resources, food etc and access to mates.  If alone would not be able to fend for self


Why would a plant need one of the following adaptations to be successful:

Wide green leaves

Higher concentrations of chloroplasts in leaf cells

Ability to ‘climb’ other plants to get higher in a forest canopy

Ability to protect leaves from predators?

Greater amount of sunlight in order to go through optimum level of photosynthesis to produce glucose in order to convert into energy to be used for growth, repair and reproduction


Name FIVE biological rhythms and the approximate length of each one

  • Circatidal – 12.5 hours

  • Circadian – 24 hours

  • Circalunar – 28 days

  • Circaannual – 365 days

  • Nocturnal – night/dark

  • Diurnal – day/light

  • Crepuscular – dusk/dawn


Given the high risks involved in migrating – why would the gene for migration continue to survive in a population?

The benefits outweigh the costs/risks


Identify the adaptive advantage of parasitic relationship in the example below:

The wasp deposits an egg into the aphid body, the egg grows, hatches and the larvae eats their way out of the aphid, killing the aphid in the process.

The wasp does not use energy to care for or protect young and can instead put energy into produces more eggs to infect more aphids.  This passes on the gene for this behavior onto subsequent generations ensuring it’s survival.


Compare solitary life style and co-operative and give at least ONE reason (for each) why BOTH are an advantage /disadvantage

  • Solitary – no sharing resources, have to defend yourself

  • Co-operative – sharing resources and caring for each other including defense


How does phototropism provide an adaptive advantage to BOTH pollinators and the plant species?

  • Greater amount of sunlight in order to go through optimum level of photosynthesis to produce glucose in order to convert into energy to be used for growth, repair and reproduction which is used to produce more plants

  • More food for the pollinators


Describe the adaptive advantage of being nocturnal for a moth

More mating partner, less predators, ecological niche (food, adaptations)


Weigh up TWO benefits and TWO costs of migration, using the example of the humpback whale.

– summer warmer waters for raising young, more food less predators
- Winter – less predators, more food