Making Inferences
Text Evidence
Character Development
Figurative Language

If a character is described as trembling and sweating in a dark room, what can you infer about their emotional state?

Character is likely feeling scared or anxious


What items does Bud keep in his suitcase, and what do they signify for him? (Locate the descriptions of the items and their meanings.) Chapter 1, Page 6 and 7



How does Bud feel about being place in yet another foster home at the beginning of chapter 1?

Bud feel tired/resentment/used to it


What is the Great Depression?

Severe, world-wide economic disaster caused by the stock market crash.


What is a simile?

A comparison of two unlike things using like or as


When a character’s actions are opposite of their words, what can you infer about their true feelings or intentions?

Character may be hiding their true feelings or intentions/ Liar


What are some of the “rules” Bud follows to survive, and how do they help him? (Locate sections where Bud explains these rules.) Any chapter with a rule

RULES AND THINGS NUMBER 3 If You Got to Tell a Lie Make Sure It's Simple and Easy to Remember. 

RULES AND THINGS NUMBER 118 You Have To Give The Adults Something That They Think They Can Use To Hurt You By Taking It Away. That Way They Might Not Take Something Away That You Really Do Want Unless They Are Crazy Or Real Stupid.  They Won’t Take Everything Because If They Did They Wouldn’t Have Anything Left To Hold Over Your Head To Hurt You With Later.

RULES AND THINGS NUMBER 16 If a Grown-up Ever Starts a Sentence by Saying "Haven't You Heard, "Get Ready, 'Cause What's About to Come Out of Their Mouth Is Gonna Drop You Head first into a Boiling Tragedy.


How does Bud’s relationship with his mother impact his journey and his actions?

Bud’s memories of his mother and her influence inspire him to seek out his father and hold on to the hope that he will find a family that cares for him 


Cool as a Cucumber means?

The person is chill, not worried.


What is a metaphor?

Comparing two unlike things without using like or as


If a character often helps others without expecting anything in return, what can you infer about their personality?

Character is likely generous and selfless/Kind


What sentence in page 31 shows that Bud's suitcase is important to him?

"I got a whole lot calmer when I picked it up and it was the right weight."


How does Bud’s encounter with the Amoses in Chapter 1 reveal his coping mechanisms for dealing with mistreatment?

Bud uses his intelligence and resourcefulness to escape difficult situations, such as his use of his “Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself” to handle the Amoses?


I come in pairs and am known to stink to high heavens at times. I can be laced and tied, or I can hang loose as a goose. I will help you chase your dreams or run for your life. What am I?



"I eyed where the bat was sleeping and revved the rake like I was going to hit a four-hundred-foot home run."

What type of figurative language is being used? What is the literal meaning?

Bud is about to hit the "vampire" as hard as he could.


In a story where a character consistently looks out of the window and sighs, what might you infer about their situation or mood

Character might be feeling nostalgic, bored, or longing for something/Sad


What does this say about Bud?

RULES AND THINGS NUMBER 328 When You Make Up Your Mind to Do Something, Hurry Up and Do It, If You Wait You Might Talk Yourself Out of What You Wanted in the First Place.

He needs to act fast before he changes his mind

What can we say about Bud when he decided to get revenge on the Amos family?

Bud is vengeful

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"Another hornet buzzed into my ear and it felt like someone had poured hot wax right down into my brain."

What type of figurative language is this? What is the literal meaning?  

Simile and Bud is in a lot of pain.


If a character receives an unexpected gift and reacts with great joy, what can you infer about their relationship with the giver

Character values the giver highly or has a strong emotional connection with them/grateful


Find me evidence to support that Bud is convinced that Herman E. Calloway is his father. (Chapter 9)

"That's where the idea of Herman E. Calloway being my father started as..."


How is Bud a survivor?

Bud is brave, intelligent, determind


I am big and green but not mean. I carry a torch for freedom. I can stand in water, but I cannot swim. People travel from miles around to visit me. What am I?

The statue of Liberty.


Create a metaphor to describe a tree on a windy day.

The tree was a ballerina on a stage, its branches twirling gracefully in the wind’s embrace.”