the jacket
la chaqueta
the hat
la gorra
You wear these when you have poor eyesight.
las gafas / unas gafas
the coat
el abrigo
the shoes
los zapatos
the shirt
la camisa
You wear this when it is really cold.
el abrigo / un abrigo
some shoes
unos zapatos
a dress
un vestido
a t-shirt
una camiseta
A girl may wear this to Prom or Homecoming.
el vestido / un vestido
la ropa
some boots
unas botas
a skirt
una falda
You wear these on your legs when it is hot outside.
los pantalones cortos / unos pantalones cortos
This is how you say "wears" in Spanish
some pants
unos pantalones
the sunglasses
las gafas de sol
You wear these on your hands when it is snowing.
los guantes / unos guantes
list the four ways to say "the" in Spanish
el, la, los, las