What does toser mean in English?
What is to cough?
What does la farmacia mean in English?
What is the pharmacy?
What contento mean in English?
What is happy?
What does "yo tengo un dolor de cabeza" mean in English?
What is "I have a headache?"
What does el brazo mean in English?
What is the arm?
What does examinar mean in English?
What is to examine?
What does la aspirina mean in English?
What is the aspirin?
What does enfermo mean in English?
What is sick?
What does "me duelen los ojos" mean?
What is "my eyes hurt?"
What does el pie mean in English?
What is the foot?
What does guardar cama mean in English?
What is to stay in bed.
What does la inyeccion mean in English?
What is the injection?
What does cansado mean in English?
What is tired?
What does "yo estoy contenta" mean in English?
What is "I am happy?"
What does la boca mean in English?
What is the mouth?
What does to vender mean in English?
What is to sell?
What does el catarro mean in English?
What is the cold?
What is aburrido in English?
What is bored/boring?
What does "yo tengo fiebre" mean in English?
What is "I have a fever?"
What does la garganta mean in English?
What is the throat?
What does estornudar mean in English?
What is to sneeze?
What does la recta mean in English?
What is the prescription?
What is frio in English?
What is cold?
What does "tengo que ir al consultorio" mean in English?
What is "I have to go to the medical office?"
What does la espalda mean in English?
What is the back?