Movies Philosophy
Game Philosophy
Protagonist Philosophy
Historical Figures

A princess who believes having legs is the only purpose in life.

What is The Little Mermaid?


100 players shoot each other in a utilitarian style stadium for momentary glory.

What is Fortnite?


He believes in enacting the city's justice, but not through the means of killing. Embodies the stoic character of a hero.

Who is Batman?


A diabolical leader who believed his own race was superior, and that anyone who was "other" should be destroyed.

Who is Adolf Hitler?


A utilitarian movie about a communist archer fighting against a dystopian government

What is the Hunger Games?


Takes place in various American cities where crimes are normal and players are able to live out a violent fantasy (robbing, killing, etc.)

What is GTA V?


A charismatic pirate whose egotistical escapades define his life's purpose.

Who is Jack Sparrow?


Peace, charity, a Jewish man whose philosophy is to die in order to liberate thousands of sinners.

Who is Jesus of Nazareth?


Overly-saturated humans think that having powers give them the right to define justice on earth for humans.

What is the Avengers?


You play as God, controlling your subjects however you please: building their houses, creating their relationships, simulating a life you never had.

What is the Sims?


A princess develops Stockholm syndrome because of delusional optimism for beasts and books.

Who is Belle?


A 19th-century man who revolutionized the belief that the structure of a system that oppressed its workers must crumble.

Who is Karl Marx?


Society punishes one man; man develops nihilistic schizophrenia.

What is the Joker?


Idealizing one pink princess for all eternity; chasing her through dangerous levels yet inevitably letting her go every time.

What is Super Mario Bros.?


This necrophiliac protagonist is constantly engaging in reckless behavior in order to pursue the man she loves. Her undead love interest begs her not to give up her soul in order to be with him for eternity.

Who is Bella Swan?


One of the greatest military generals who spread the ideals of revolution in a time when political monarchies were rampant. Hegel's main figure.

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


Punky teenagers think disability gives them the right to rob an old man

What is Don't Breathe?

Idealizing war by enticing players with gunfights, grenades, and the prospect of killing other players by violent means. 

What is Call of Duty?


Wishing to stay young forever, he believes one can be a boy forever by staying in a place where time stands still and other delusional kids join him in his childish exploits.

Who is Peter Pan?


Believed in the voice of philosophy; was sentenced to death for asking too many questions.

Who is Socrates?