A party where you're supposed to be dressed as something else?
In conclusion, resuming the very long story I just told you...
In a nutshell.
____________ the rain, we enjoyed the festival.
If you're going to a party, the ____________ says you can't wear white.
Dress code
I really don't know what I am supposed to do. I don't have a plan. I'll just ____________________-
Play it by ear.
I think I can go to the mall after this. I don't want to raise suspicion, ___________.
We are raising money to save the bees. It is a _______________-
I am recording the video to show how the process of how it's made.
Behind the scenes.
_____________ we had already been to the cinema on Tuesday, she wanted to go again.
You can bring someone else with you. Yo can bring a __________________.
Plus one.
I will _____________________ so she doesn't notice who I am.
keep a low profile.
I liked the film, _____________ I would have liked it to be shorter.
He really doesn't get along with no one else at the party!
Billy no-mates, wallflower, find him in the kitchen, party-pooper...
I would never be bad enough to ______________________. That would be so cruel.
EX: To ruin someone's plan.
Cook someone's goose.
____________ their lack of knowledge, they seemed very eager to learn.
Despite, In spite.