What are interoceptors?
Sensory receptors which receive stimuli from within the body.
What is the adenohypophysis?
The anterior part of the pituitary gland.
What is the name for the septum that divides the heart longitudinally?
The interatrial and interventricular septum. (Depends on which chambers it partitions)
Where is the SA node located?
In the right atrium, inferior to the entrance to the superior vena cava.
Which blood vessel wall plays an active role in the regulation of blood diameter, altering peripheral resistance, and blood pressure?
Tunica media
What is the white portion of the eye called?
Which gland dissolves as one ages?
Where do all the systemic arteries in the body receive their blood?
Prolonged tachycardia can result in what?
Which blood vessel layer is composed of areolar or fibrous connective tissue?
Tunica Externa
What are the two parts of the vestibule?
Utricle & Saccule
Parathyroid Hormone
Areas where cardiac cells interdigitate are called ...
intercalated discs
Time between the beginning of atrial depolarization and ventricular depolarization.
What muscles promote venous return?
Skeletal Muscles
What is the term for perfect vision?
What are tropic hormones?
Tropic hormones are hormones that have other endocrine glands as their target.
Coronary Sinus
How many leads are used in an ECG?
What does the foramen ovale close to form?
Fossa Ovalis
Where is the Cristae Ampullaris found?
Hyposecretion of thyroxine leads to a condition of mental and physical sluggishness which is called __ in adults.
What causes painful adhesions between the serous pericardial layers?
Long strands of barrel-shaped cells located in the inner ventricular walls are called ___ .
Purkinje fibers
What are the three divisions of the celiac trunk?
The left gastric, the splenic, and the common hepatic.