Ailments of the rich and famous
nursery rhyme time
include that
Wonderful Wyoming
I will get a reaction out of you

He was diagnosed with Addison's disease in the 1940's. In 1955 he was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. This was due to autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 2, which was kept mostly a secret until his presidency. 

Who is John F Kennedy


these three men had careers but are better known as three men in a tube

Who are the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker 

What is Howell Jolly Bodies 


The Indian Paintbrush 

What is the state flower of Wyoming


The result of an interaction of an allergen with pre-formed antibodies; evidenced by maculopapular rash, urticaria, puritis, generalized flushing, localized angioedema, edema of lips or tongue. 

What is an Allergic Transfusion Reaction 


This three- time Olympic gold medalist was born with a rare heart condition called tetralogy of Fallot (ToF) which is a defect in the pulmonary valve, making it difficult for for blood to move from the heart to the lungs.  

Shaun White


All the kings horses and all the kings men couldn't help this poor fellow out

who is humpty dumpty 


Toxic granulation


A famous actor that resides in Wyoming

Who is Harrison Ford


Infusion volume that cannot be effectively processes by the recipient either due to the high infusion rate and/ or volume or an underlying cardiac or pulmonary pathology. 

what is Transfusion associated circulatory overload (TACO)


This famous painter suffered from Cataracts, it affected his ability to distinguish the cool range of colors and thus many of his works from 1912-1923 are dominated by bright yellows, oranges, purples and reds. 

Who is Claude Monet 

This disagreeable girl with a remarkable green thumb can really make those cockleshells grow. 

Who is mary mary quite contrary 


What is dohle body


The highest point in Wyoming at 13,809 ft. 

What is Gannett Peak

Demonstration of a new, clinically significant alloantibody against red cells between 24 and 28 days after transfusion despite an adequate hemoglobin response

What is a Delayed serologic transfusion Reaction 


The famous composer who wrote some of the most famous classical music despite being deaf. 

Who is Ludwig van Beethoven 


This elderly member of royalty called for his bowl and his fiddlers 3

who is old king cole


What is an Auer rod

The cutthroat trout

What is the Wyoming State Fish


Thrombocytopenia usually arising 5-12 days following the transfusion of cellular blood components with findings of antibodies in the patient directed against the the Human Platelet Antigen (HPA) system

What is Post Transfusion purpura


The "mad king who lost America" suffered from genetic porphyria,  due to the excessive inbreeding of the English monarchy of the time. This disease is marked by a build up of porphyrins due to a mutation in one of the genes that makes heme. It also can cause blue urine. 

King George III


This dedicated dog-owner searched her bare cupboard for a bone to give to her starving canine. 

Who is old mother Hubbard 


What is malaria- Plasmodium falciparum 


A famous painter who lived in Wyoming

Who is Jackson Pollock


Rapid destruction of red cells during, immediately after, or within 24 hours of transfusion. Clinical and laboratory signs of hemolysis are present. 

What is an Acute Hemolytic transfusion reaction