Name 3 pieces of equipment we would find in the lab.
Microscope, Centrifuge, Refractometer, Blood Machine
What are the three responsibilities of the restrainer?
Restrain the dog's body, Present and stabilize the venipuncture site, Occlude the vein for blood draw
Define Microbiology
The study of microbes (bacteria)
List one Nematode.
Roundworm, Hookworm, Whipworm
Name two of the four ways to collect a urine sample.
Free catch, Expressing the bladder, Catheterization, Cystocentesis
How do you properly carry the microscope?
By the arm and base
What factor increases Total Protein?
List the three shapes of bacteria
Cocci - Round
Bacills - Rod
Sprillum - Spiral
The scientific name for a Whipworm is?
Trichuris Vulpis
What are the four parts of a complete urinalysis?
Gross examination, specific gravity, biochemical analysis, sediment examination
What are the names and power of the objective lenses?
Scanning 40x, Low Dry 100x, High Dry 400x, Oil Immersion 1000x
What chemistries relate to the Liver?
Total Bilirubin, ALT, Alkaline Phosphatase, Total Protein, Bile Acids
What is the procedure for a Gram Stain?
Crystal Violet, Iodine, Decolorizer, Safranin
Name three Ectoparasites.
Fleas, Ticks, Lice,
Only specimens collected by _________ are suitable for urine culture.
List the supplies for a fecal float.
Fecalizer, Fecasol, Fecal sample, Cover slip, Slide
Name the five kinds of Leukocytes (WBC's)
Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Monocytes, Lymphocytes
What is the scientific name for Canine Ear Yeast and Ringworm?
Malassezia Pachydermatis
Microsporum Canis
What parasite has the flea as its vector? (must give scientific name)
Dipylidium Caninum
A gross examination includes:
Color, Clarity, Odor, Volume
List the steps of how to properly shut down the microscope.
Lower the stage
Turn objective lens to scanning
Lower the rheostat
Power Off
Clean with lens paper & cleaner
What are the five electrolytes and their annotations?
Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Chloride (Cl), Calcium (Ca), Phosphorus
What are the three things you need to list on a culture plate?
Date of Streaking
Patient ID
Type of Specimen
Name at least three ways in which we can test for these parasites.
Tape Test, Skin Scraping, SNAP test, Direct Smear, Fecal Flotation
List all the equipment needed for a urinalysis (10)
Urine sample (5-10ml)
Centrifuge tube
Tube rack
Transfer Pipette
Bio-chemistry strips
Slide and coverslip
NMB (New Methylene Blue), Sedi-Stain