recycling clay
clay cleanup
clay stages

Where you put clay that is wet enough to re-use

What is back in the clay bucket?


What you do with dirty tools and dishes (bats included).

What is wash all the clay off of them with a sponge and put them back where they belong?


How to prep a bisqued piece for glazing

What is dust it off with a clean, damp sponge, wait for it to dry?



What is water and clay mixed together—bone dry clay has broken down completely and made a milkshake-texture when combined with water? 


Settling sink

What is the right side of the sink that you should wash clay dishes, glaze-filled brushes, your hands, but never food over?


What the plaster bats below the sink are for

What is drying out too-wet clay to a usable texture before putting it BACK IN THE CLAY BUCKET? What is recycling clay?


What the pre-rinse is for.

What is rinsing anything with clay off before completing washing over the settling sink, collecting extra clay at the bottom to be recycled?


underglaze vs glaze 

What is a pigment-based medium that adheres to the body but does not seal it from water when fired, vs a chemical-based medium that forms a glass coating when fired?

Leather hard

What is a drying stage between plastic and dry clay, where clay is stiff and ideal for slab building, can still be attached to, and is the ideal dryness for trimming?


Huge no-no dont ever do this regarding dust

What is sweeping the floors or dry wiping the tables?


Goes into the slop bucket.

What is bone dry clay and throwing slip?


How to clean the tables

What is with a wet sponge, wipe the tiny bits of clay into your hand and discard, then wipe the table area where you worked thoroughly?

Glazing cleanup steps

What is wipe glaze from the bottom of your piece with a sponge, clean your brushes and/or stir tool and put them back, wipe up spilled glaze with a sponge?


Bone dry

What is the final stage of drying where clay is no longer cold, no longer malleable but chalky and extremely fragile, ready to be bisque-fired?


What is the process of kneading clay in a spiral before using it, to align clay particles and remove air bubbles?


Goes into the bowls next to the plaster bats by the sink.

What is clay that is too dry to go back into the bucket, but too wet to put into the slop; it should be broken into small pieces to dry out and be recycled.


Steps to clean the potter's wheel

What is sponge out the slip into a bowl, pour the watery slip into the settling sink, pour goopy slip into the slop; with a clean sponge and water, wipe down your wheel?


How to dip a piece into glaze

What is mixing the glaze with a wooden dowel, adding water if needed, submerging the piece for 3-5 seconds, and wiping the glaze off the bottom?


Extremely wet clay 

What is clay that should be left for a bit to dry on the plaster bats by the sink and then put back into the clay bucket?


Why pieces blow up in a bisque firing

What is the piece wasn't fully dry when it went into the kiln and moisture trapped inside wants to evaporate out during the firing, or there are air bubbles trapped in your piece?